你是否曾流连过古玩市场,对一片破碎的青花碎片逐渐痴迷? 又或者,你去了故宫的陶瓷馆,沦陷于三十五万件陶瓷珍品中无法自拔。 也许这些都没有,但是在你的一日三餐与烹茶小饮中渐渐中了器具的毒,不斗茶也不斗饭,但是只是入手几件仿宋瓷的小器,就能让你高兴一整年。 要知道爱陶瓷的人朝朝不尽,瓷器写就的历史车轮滚滚不休,所以对于瓷器的喜好,无需羞愧,打开此书,让我们从青花开始,跨越千年的隔绝,去做一次触摸中国瓷器的逆时光旅行。 Blue and white porcelain is widely used and treasured in the life of many people around the world. People who have never been to China must have seen and even have used Chinese porcelain. However, in the minds of many people, the former word should only refer to the special blue and white porcelain. This is one of the most dazzling creations of Chinese porcelain art. The history of blue and white porcelain is closely tied to changes in Chinese history and the continuous cultural development of the Chinese people. No matter how it changed, it remained inseparable from the daily life of both emperors and the common people. Blue and white porcelain tea pots and cups, bowls and tableware for daily life, inkstones on the desk for the production of beautiful calligraphy, and the most treasured possession of collectors all formed part of this particular genre of ceramic art. In addition, Chinese folk porcelain masters have also created many exquisite blue, white, black and colored porcelain works, all exercising their own fascination and commanding high prices when they come up for auction around the world.