Mrs. Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little valley Her property was edged with trees and flowers, and crossed by a stream that had its source away back in the woods behind the old Cuthbert place. It was said to be wild and winding in its earlier course through those woods, but by the time it passed by the Lynde's house, it was a quiet, well-conducted little stream. This was because not even a stream could run past Mrs. Rachel Lynde's door without due regard for civility and manners. It probably was conscious that Mrs. Rachel was sitting at her window, keeping a sharp eye on everything that passed, and that if she noticed anything out of place, she would never rest until she had found out why it refused to act in the proper way.一部最甜蜜的描写儿童生活的小说。安妮是个身世凄凉的小女孩,出生不久即父母双亡,成了孤儿。好心的邻居把她养到六岁之后她又到另一户人家看孩子,后来被送到了孤儿院。十一岁的时候,绿山墙的马修和玛莉拉收养了她。安妮天性活泼乐观,想像力极为丰富。她的天真和幻想使闹了不少笑话,但她的善良和直率也使她赢得了友谊和真挚的爱。她聪明而勤奋,凭着自己的努力考取了大学,但为了照顾玛莉拉,她又放弃了学业。这是一个孤儿长大成人的故事,朴实而绚丽,充满着童心和梦幻。