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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物电压闪变及其测量(英文版)



定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 高海涛 著
出版社: 合肥工业大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787565047794 出版时间: 2019-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 114 字数:  






Part 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background of Voltage Flicker
1.2 Current Researches of Flicker
1.2.1 Status of Flicker Detection Methods
1.2.2 Status of Flicker Detection Instruments
1.3 Main Work in This Book
Part 2 Analysis of Voltage Fluctuation and Detection Method
2.1 Concept of Voltage Variation and Voltage Fluctuation
2.1.1 Voltage Variation
2.1.2 Voltage Fluctuation
2.2 Analysis of Detection Methods for Voltage Fluctuations
2.2.1 Square Detection Method
2.2.2 Full-wave Rectification Detection Method
2.2.3 Half-wave RMS and RMS Detection Method
2.2.4 Modern Detection Methods
2.3 Error Analysis and Improvement of Square Detection Method
2.3.1 Error Analysis of Square Detection Method
2.3.2 Improved Square Detection Method
2.4 Summary
Part 3 Flicker Measurement Algorithms and Validation
3.1 The Concept and Detection Principle of Flicker
3.1.1 Concepts Related to Flicker
3.1.2 IEC Flicker Detection Principle
3.2 Realization of Flicker Measurement Algorithms
3.2.1 Principle of Secondary Sampling
3.2.2 Digitalization of IEC Flicker Detection Method
3.2.3 Selection of First Sampling Frequency
3.2.4 Application of Secondary Sampling
3.3 Simulation and Verification
3.4 Summary
Part 4 Hardware System of Flicker Detector
4.1 Overall Design of Hardware System
4.2 Design of Main Controller and Peripheral Circuit
4.2.1 Selection of Main Controller
4.2.2 Extension of Peripheral Memory
4.2.3 Design of Touch Screen Interface Circuit
4.2.4 Other Peripheral Circuits of Main Controller
4.3 Design of Slave Processor and Peripheral Circuit
4.3.1 Selection of Slave Processor
4.3.2 Interface Design of Master Controller and Slave Processor
4.3.3 Slave Processor Memory Extension
4.4 Design of Data Acquisition Circuit
4.4.1 Pre-signal Processing Circuit
4.4.2 ADC Circuit Design
4.5 Design of Power Supply and Switching Circuit
4.5.1 Power Design
4.5.2 Design of Power Switch Circuit
4.6 Hardware Testing and Assembly
4.6.1 PCBTest
4.6.2 Prototype Test
4.7 Summary
Part 5 Software System of Flicker Detector
5.1 Overall Framework of Software
5.2 Programming of Main Controller
5.2.1 Overall Scheme of ARM Programming
5.2.2 Flow of Flicker Measurement
5.3 Design of Slave Processor Program
5.3.1 Mixed Programming of MATLAB and C Language
5.3.2 C Programming of Flicker Measurement in MATLAB
5.3.3 DSP Programming Based on CCS Development Environment
5.3.4 Converting DSP Programming to DATA File
5.4 Summary
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
