长白山火山与天池的形成时代 1
中国东北地区新生代火山岩的年代学研究 6
中国东北地区新生代火山幕 19
论中国东北大陆裂谷系的形成与演化 30
西昆仑山第四纪火山的分布与 K-Ar年龄 39
中国火山活动及其潜在的危险 47
火山活动与构造气候旋回 54
火山灾害与监测 61
Chronological and geochemical constraints on the Assumed Large Permian Volcanic Province in Southwest China 70
High potassic volcanism and northern Tibetan uplift constrained by west collision 71
Take another vision to the uplift of the Qing-Zang Plateau based on Cenozoic volcanism 72
Cenozoic episodic volcanism and continental rifting in northeast China and possible link to Japan Sea development as revealed from K-Ar geochronology 74
Active volcanoes in China 96
南极南设得兰群岛中-新生代火山作用与地质环境 115
绿色高新材料——玄武岩纤维具有广阔前景 128
火山作用与油气成藏 130
试论火山岩油气藏成藏机理 137
Volcanic eruptions in the Longgang volcanic field, northeastern China, during the past 15,000 years 158
Volcanic rock-hosted natural hydrocarbon resources: A review 175
Volcanic natural resources and volcanic landscape protection: An overview 204
Geological background and geodynamic mechanism of Mt. Changbai volcanoes on the China–Korea border 239
长白山火山研究进展 274
渭南黄土剖面的年龄测定及十五万年来高分辨时间序列的建立 294
核子在地学中的应用与发展——缅怀导师侯德封先生 303
玛珥湖与纹泥年代学 311
第四纪地质定年与地质年表 317
人类生存与环境演变 328
Preliminary study of greenhouse gases in loess in Weinan, Shaanxi Province 335
U-series dating on late Quaternary sediments from Balikun Lake 339
Periodicity of Holocene climatic variations in the Huguangyan Maar Lake 349
Chronology of loess-paleosol sequences at Weinan section, Central China 357
Fossil-rich Early Cretaceous maars in Liaoxi, northeast China 366
中国第四纪地层 370
中国玛珥湖的时空分布与地质特征 384
第四纪的主要气候事件 394
构造运动与环境变迁 405
塔里木盆地的环境格局与绿洲演化 409
玛珥湖古气候环境研究进展 419
全球火山灰年代学研究概述 438
刘嘉麒论著目录 474