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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科政治中国政治消除贫困:共建一个没有贫困、共同发展的人类命运共同体(英)



定 价:¥178.00

作 者: 中国人权研究会 著,中国人权研究会 编
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508543383 出版时间: 2020-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 737 字数:  


  2018年9月18日至19日,中国人权研究会和中国人权发展基金会共同举办“2018·北京人权论坛”。论坛以“消除贫困:共建一个没有贫困、共同发展的人类命运共同体”为主题,围绕“消除贫困与生存权和发展权的实现”“中国的扶贫理念、成就、经验的人权意义”“减贫的国际合作与人权保障”和“构建人类命运共同体与人权保障”等议题展开深入讨论,取得重要思想成果。本论文集包含致辞及论文共73篇,按照论坛各分议题分为五个部分。 From September 18 to 19, 2018, the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development jointly held the 2018 Beijing Forum on Human Rights. With the theme of “Poverty Elimination: Seeking Common Development to Build a Community of Shared Future for Human Beings,” the forum discussed in depth topics including “Poverty Elimination and the Realization of the Rights to Subsistence and Development,” “the Thought, Achievements, and Experience of China in Poverty Elimination and Its Significance to Human Rights,” “International Cooperation and Human Rights Protection in Poverty Alleviation” and “Building a Community of Shared Future for Human Beings and Human Rights Protection.” These are important ideological achievements.There are 73 speeches and papers in this collection, divided into five parts according to the sub topics of the forum.




Eradicate Poverty, Protect Human Rights Work Together to Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind that Bears a Better Tomorrow
HUANG Kunming………………………………………………………………2
Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Beijing Forum on Human Rights
Qiangba Puncog…………………………………………………………………10
Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Beijing Forum on Human Rights
HUANG Mengfu…………………………………………………………………15
Poverty Elimination and the Realization of the Rights to Subsistence and Development
Sima SAMAR……………………………………………………………………20
Human Rights Development and Protection in the Course of Development
—Speech at the Opening Ceremony of 2018 Beijing Forum on Human Rights
ZHANG Jun………………………………………………………………………25
Speech by Lord Davidson QC to the 2018 Beijing Forum on Human Rights: 18-19 September
Neil Forbes Davidson……………………………………………………………29
Ending extreme poverty: the Role of Food and Agriculture in Leaving No One Behind
Benjamin Davis …………………………………………………………………32
Speech at the Closing Ceremony of 2018 Beijing Forum on Human Rights
FU Zitang………………………………………………………………………38
Eradication of Poverty beyond Human Rights
Alejandro González BEHMARAS (Cuba)…………………………………………44
Poverty Alleviation and the Realization of the Rights to Live and Develop
Emily Achieng CHWEYA (Kenya)………………………………………………52
Martha Nussbaum’s Philosophical Contributions to The Development of Institutional Responses at The International Level to The Problem of Poverty from A Human Rights Perspective
Víctor Genina (Mexico)…………………………………………………………60
Eradication of Poverty and the Development of the Right to Live
Gaston HAKIZA (Burundi)………………………………………………………66
Eliminating Rural Women’s Poverty and Protecting Their Rights from the Perspective of “the Weak”
HUANG Aijiao FAN Guohua (China)……………………………………………71
Poverty Elimination and the Realisation of the Rights to Subsistence and Development
Devarayapuram Ramasamy KAARTHIKEYAN (India)……………………………81
Eliminating Poverty: A Great Human Rights Project
LI Junru (China)…………………………………………………………………92
The Chinese Mainland must Consider Tenant Rights of Economically Disadvantaged People during Poverty Alleviation Efforts
—From the Perspective of the Implementation of the “Regulations on the Development and Administration of the Rental Housing Market” in Taiwan
LEE Yung-Ran (Taiwan, China)………………………………………………100
The Eradication of Poverty and the Realization of Right to Existence and Right to Development: China’s Experience and Exploration
LIU Hongzhen (China)………………………………………………………114
Poverty Elimination and the Realization of the Rights to Life and Development
—Taking the Practice of China as an Example
LIU Huawen (China)…………………………………………………………123
Eliminate Poverty and Improve Capability
MENG Qingtao (China)………………………………………………………135
Dialectics of the Essence of Poverty
Vasyl TERESHCHUK (Ukraine)…………………………………………………144
On the Realization of Minors’ Right to Development under the Strategy of Targeted Poverty Alleviation
WANG Huan (China)…………………………………………………………157
The Relationship between Human Rights Protection and Economic Development
WANG Lifeng (China)…………………………………………………………167
Protection of the Right to Subsistence and Development through Poverty Eradication: Exemplified with Honghe Village
YANG Chengming (China)……………………………………………………174
Green Development: China’s Experience in Realizing the Right to Subsistence and the Right to Development
ZHANG Aining (China)………………………………………………………187
Poverty Eradication and Realization of the Right to Subsistence and Development
ZHANG Xiaoling (China)………………………………………………………202
The Effect and Risk Management of Industrial Poverty Alleviation
CHANG Jian FU Liyuan (China)………………………………………………212
Protection of the Rights to Life and Development, and the Elimination of Poverty: Based on China’s Poverty Alleviation Experience
CHEN Bateer (China)…………………………………………………………223
Connotation and Significance of Human Rights in China’s Poverty Alleviation
CHEN Youwu (China)…………………………………………………………231
The Concept, Achievements and Experience of China’s Poverty Alleviation and Poverty Reduction in the Perspective of Human Right
CHENG Yanjun LI Pai (China)…………………………………………………237
Education-Based Targeted Poverty Alleviation from the Angle of Human Rights Protection
GONG Xianghe LU Xiaoting (China)…………………………………………251
Rights-oriented Action against Poverty
—Front-line Practice from the Poorest Regions of China
HE Yongjie (China)……………………………………………………………260
Collaborative Poverty Governance by Confidence and Capacity Building Mechanism
—A case study of Fengqiu County
JIANG Chenguang CHU Songyan (China)……………………………………273
Poverty Reduction and Human Rights Protection in China
LI Yunlong (China)……………………………………………………………288
Experience and Improvement of Supervision over Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Ethnic Areas
LIU Hongchun (China)………………………………………………………302
Comprehensive Guarantee of Human Rights: Discourse Value of China’s Poverty Alleviation
MAO Junxiang (China)………………………………………………………316
Human Rights in the Eye of Poverty Reduction: A Chinese Approach
Emmanuel P. MUNYENEH (Liberia)…………………………………………331
On the New Type of Relationship between the Protection of Human Rights and Targeted Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study on the Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Elimination in Maizhokunggar County
PENPA Lhamu (China)…………………………………………………………338
President Xi Jinping’s Ideas and Practice on Poverty Reduction
Mohammad Anisur Rahman SARKER (Bangladesh)…………………………352
On Xi Jinping’s Thought on Poverty Reduction and Human Rights
—The Right to Be Free from Poverty
WANG Xigen LIU Yuan (China)………………………………………………364
China’s Human Rights Practice of Letting the People Who Became Rich First Help Those Who Will Become Rich Later
—A Case Analysis of the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Action of “Ten Thousand Enterprises Helping Ten Thousand Villages”
WU Zhihong TAN Huosheng (China)…………………………………………379
The Contributions of Xi Jinping’s Targeted Measures in Poverty Alleviation to Human Rights Protection
XIAN Kailin (China)……………………………………………………………397
China’s Target Poverty Reduction Practice and Its Commentaries from the Perspective of Human Rights Law
XIAO Junyong (China)…………………………………………………………410
On the Significance of Poverty Alleviation Efforts on the Human Rights Education for Poverty Alleviation Officials
XU Yao (China)………………………………………………………………424
Logic of Human Rights behind China’s Poverty Governance Practice
YE Chuanxing (China)…………………………………………………………435
Xi Jinping’s Perspective of Targeted Poverty Alleviation and the Protection of Human Rights
ZHANG Wei SHI Hui (China)…………………………………………………453
It is the Duty of the State to Guarantee the Basic Living Standards of the People
ZHANG Yonghe (China)………………………………………………………462
Progress in China’s Human Rights Development Driven by Poverty Reduction: Experience, Trends and Challenges
ZHENG Ruohan (China)………………………………………………………471
Inspirations from the Targeted Poverty Alleviation of the “Cliff Villages”
ZHOU Wei (China)……………………………………………………………484
On Legislative Planning and Its Role in Targeted Poverty Alleviation
ZHU Liyu (China)………………………………………………………………494
Poverty and Human Rights: The Case of Vietnam
CHU THI THUY Hang (Vietnam)………………………………………………504
Cooperation and Reduction of Poverty for the Protection of Human Rights
Richard TUR DE LA CONCEPCIO??N (Cuba)……………………………………510
The International Challenge of Poverty Alleviation: A European Perspective
Gabriele IACOVINO (Italy)……………………………………………………522
The Human Rights on Poverty Reduction in the Lao PDR
Inchay INTHAVIKHAM (Laos)…………………………………………………534
Poverty Reduction Cooperation between China and Other Developing Countries: Under the Concept of Human Rights Protection
LI Erping (China)………………………………………………………………541
Sino-Laotian Cooperation in Poverty Reduction and the Rights to Development
Tai Wei LIM (Singapore)……………………………………………………546
China’s International Cooperation on Poverty Reduction: An Important Way to Promote Human Rights
LUO Yanhua (China
