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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术一般工业技术岩石力学与工程:滑坡与崩塌灾害的预测与控制(英文版)



定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 傅鹤林 著
出版社: 中南大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787548743361 出版时间: 2021-05-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 353 字数:  






Chapter 1 Overview Of Research
1.1 Status of foreign research
1.2 Domestic research status
Chapter2 similar Simulation T喊of Landslide Field
2.1 Purpose and significance
2.2 Simulated test site
2.3 Field simulation test of landslide triggered by artificial rainfall
2.4 Field simulation test of landslide induced by mechanical excavation
2.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 3 RockfaU Mechanism and Rock Theoretical Stability Analysis
3.1 Generation mechanism of rockfall
3 2 Stability analysis of sliding rockfall with block theory
3.3 Stability calculation for potential rockfall
3.4 Chapter summary
Chapter 4 Potential Hazard Prediction of Rockfall
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Research methods for predicting potential hazards of high—speed railway landslides
4.3 Kinematic equation of rockfall and determination of its parameters
4.4 Chapter summary
Chapter 5 Laboratory Test
5.3 Field experiments on acoustic emission characteristics of rocks
5.4 Chapter sununary
Chapter 6 Disaster Mechanism and Regularity of Landslide and Rockfall on High-speed Railway
6.1 Developmental characteristics
6.2 Formation conditions of railway geological disasters
6.3 Chapter summary
Chapter 7 Geological Basis
7.1 Monitoring and prediction landslides and rockfall on high—speed railway
7.2 Stability evaluation of high—speed railway landslides and rockfall
7.3 Chapter summary
Chapter 8 Monitoring Technology of Landslide and Rockfall of High Speed Railway
8.1 Summary of slope information monitoring
8 2 Major monitoring instruments
8.3 Common monitoring methods
8.4 Comprehensive monitoring of network layout
8.5 Monitoring duration and frequency
8.6 Types and analysis of deep displacement curves
8.7 Slope automation monitoring system
8.8 Group survey and group prevention monitoring system
8.9 TDR monitoring system research
8.10 Chapter summary
Chapter 9 Landslide and Rockfall Prediction Technology
9.1 Basic problems of prediction and forecasting
9.2 Theory and method of landslide and rockfall prediction
9.3 Rockfall grey—mutation theory prediction
9.4 Monitoring data processing program research
9.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 10 Monitoring and Forecasting of Landslides and Rockfalls in Various Stages of High-speed Railway
10.1 Landslide and rockfall monitoring and prediction in survey and design stage
10.2 Monitoring and prediction of landslides and rockfalls in construction stage
10.3 Monitoring and prediction of landslides and rockfalls in operation stage
10.4 Chapter summary
Chapter 11 Engineering Application
11.1 Qinglong landslide monitoring and forecasting technology
11.2 Monitoring and prediction analysis of puantang rockfall
11.3 Huai Shaoheng railway DK324 slope slip analysis
11.4 Chapter summary
