Maya X.Guo Ph.D.Member of Consulting Committee, CITIC Foundation for Reform Development Senior Fellow, CITIC Institute for Reform & Develop-mentPublished works include State and Society rn China's Democratic Transition,Routledge, New York, 2.003;Strategic Height - Interviews with Influential Chinese Scholars, SDXJoint Publishing Company, Beijing, 2.008;Experiences in America: Family, Society Politics, SDX Joint Publislung Company, Beijing, 2010;The American Logrc - Ideology and Politics, China Economic Publishing House, Beijing, 2011;Confidence in the Path: Why China Can Do, Beijing United Publishing Co. Ltd., Beijing, 2013;Behind China's Economic Miracle - The Coalition of Rural Collective Industries Grassroots Authorities, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 2015;For Our Country: Persistence and Responsibility of the PRC Generation, People's Publishing House, Beijing, 2016;The Chinese Path the Chinese School, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 2,017A Chinese New Yorker', Tsinghua University Press,Beijing, 2,018;Shocking the World: Peoples China Towards Rejuvenatron,Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 2,020.