1.关于胡海昌解的完备性 1
2.柱体平衡圣维那解的一个弱假设 10
3.在极坐标中构造平面弹性力学特解的一种方法 17
4.发散积分的有限部分在弹性力学中的应用 21
5.On the Assumption of Saint-Venant's Problem 33
6.受一般载荷的楔:佯谬的解决 41
7.关于以应力表示的弹性力学边值问题 55
8.Brebbia's Indirect Representation and the Completeness of Papkovich-Neuber's and Boussinesq-Galerkin's Solutions in Elasticity 68
9.半空间的热弹性问题||弹性通解方法的应用 73
10.两种材料组成弹性体的界面裂纹问题 90
11.半无限长圆管内 Stokes 流的入口流 96
12.General Complete Solutions of the Equations of Spatial and Axisymmetric Stokes Flow 106
13.Decay Rates for the Hollow Circular Cylinder 119
14.各向异性弹性力学一般边值问题的广义 Stroh 公式 136
15.The Anisotropic Elastic Semi-Infinite Strip 157
16.横观各向同性弹性体轴对称问题的通解及其完备性 176
17.双孔介质弹性动力学通解及其完备性 192
18.广义逆矩阵和应力函数 197
19.Complete Solution of the Linear Magnetoe-lasticity and the Magnetic Fields in a Magnetized Elastic Half-Space 205
20.Completeness and Nonuniqueness of General Solutions of Transversely Isotropic Elasticity 219
21.Stress Functions in Two-Dimensional, Three-Dimensional and n-Dimensional Elasticity 234
22.Collinear Permeable Cracks in Thermopiezoelectric Materials 241
23.Equivalence Between the Local Boundary Integral Equation and the Mean Value Theorem in the Theory of Elasticity 257
24.The Decomposed Form of the Three-Dimensional Elastic Plate 267
25.关于“平面弹性悬臂梁剪切挠度问题” 278
26.The Ellipsoidal Inhomogeneity with Imperfect Interface 284
27.具有孔洞的双周期热弹性平面问题的复势 297
28.A Note on the Limit Definition of Concentrated Loads 311
29.The Quasi Eshelby Property for Rotational Symmetrical Inclusions of Uniform Eigencurvatures within an Infinite Plate 320
30.Comment on “Stress Boundary Conditions for Plate Bending” by F.Y.M.Wan [Int.J.Solids Struct.40(2003) 4107-4123] 334
31.On the Canonical Elastic Moduli of Linear Plane Anisotropic Elasticity 336
32.The Equivalence of the Refined Theory and the Decomposition Theorem of Rectangular Beams 349
33.Three-dimensional Green's Functions for Infinite Anisotropic Piezoelectric Media 367
34.Recent General Solutions in Linear Elasticity and Their Applications 374
35.Elastic Fields for the Ellipsoidal Cavity Problem 431
36.On the Generalized Plane Stress Problem, the Gregory Decomposition and the Filon Mean Method 449
37.General Representations of Polynomial Elastic Fields 482
38.Inhomogeneity Problem with a Sliding Interface under Remote Shearing Stress 502
39.On the Assumptions of the Generalized Plane Stress Problem and the Filon Average 513
40.某些数学方法在弹性力学中的应用 525