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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术青春校园文学世界格局中的澳大利亚:历史现实与未来



定 价:¥79.00

作 者: 刘树森 著,刘树森 编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787301320334 出版时间: 2021-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 304 字数:  






China-Australia Relations, History & Politics
M.A.K. Halliday’s Role in Shaping a Shared Future of China and Australia Hu Zhuanglin, Peking University
Australia-China Relations in the First Year of the Turnbull Government Colin Mackerras, Griffith University
National Interest or Party Interest: A Case Study of Australia’s Abstention from the 67th UN General Assembly Vote on Palestine Status in the UN Dai Ning, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Protectionism or Liberalism? The Labor Government’s Policies Towards China’s Investment (2007-2013) Hu Dan, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Journalism & Media
What China’s Rise Means: A Comparative Study of ABC’s China Documentaries and Those of Its UK-US Counterparts Chen Bing, Peking University
Challenging Borders of Australian Media Hugh Davies, La Trobe University
Economy & Enviromental Studies
Advancement in Knowledge, Innovation and Resilience of Australia’s Murray River Basin: A Key Element of Learning for Management of China’s Yangtze River Basin Giri R. Kattel, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences et al.
中澳自贸协议实施效果评估之企业问卷调查分析 王美玲等,山东大学等
Education & Society
From “Silent Apartheid” to “Cross-Curriculum Priority”: Aboriginality in the School Texts Xu Daozhi, The University of Hong Kong
On the Return of Chinese Australians and Their Impact on Home Development Nie Zhi, Shanghai University
The Construction of Chinese Undergraduates’ Intercultural Understanding: A Case Study of the Peking University Course “Australian Society and Culture” Zhang Hua, Peking University
Evaluating the Modernizing Reform of Chinese Community Organizations in Sydney Through a Model of Ethnic Capital Conversion Shen Jingjing, Beijing Foreign Studies University
ICT Application in Australian Teacher Education Huifen Jin et al., Edith Cowan University et al.
An Overview of Sino-Australian Higher Education Exchange and Cooperation since Song Nan, Beijing Foreign Studies University
从地名看澳大利亚社会的多元文化 何志英,内蒙古师范大学
Language, Literature & Culture
Signs of Subtlety in the Short Stories of Katharine Susannah Prichard and Peter Cowan Glen Phillips, Edith Cowan University
One Country, Diverse Voices: An Overview of Australian Fiction in the Early 21st Century Ma Naiqiang, Peking University
Australian Eco-literature from the Colonial Period to the Post-modern Era Xiang Lan, Xihua University
Duality of Hurtle Duffield in Patrick White’s The Vivisector Cao Liwei, Inner Mongolia University
澳大利亚民族政策对语言政策及土著语言的影响 何琳琳,上海大学
A Comparative Study of Henry Lawson and Malqinhu Bao Hongling, Chifeng University
《大火》的创伤叙事研究:爱与书写的疗伤 俞昕佩,浙江大学
