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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术青春校园文学环境与基因相互作用的流行病学方法(英文版)



定 价:¥78.00

作 者: 郭雄,张峰 编
出版社: 西安交通大学出版社
丛编项: 西安交通大学研究生创新教育系列教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787569316100 出版时间: 2020-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 426 字数:  






Chapter 1 The Overview of Gene-environment Interaction
Section 1 The Fundamental Concepts of Environment
I. Environment
II. Ecosystem and Ecological Balance
III. Human-environmental Interactions
Section 2 The Fundammtal Genetic Concepts
I. The Genetic Material
II. Mutation
Section 3 Introduction to Gene-environment Interaction
I. Definition of Gene-environment Interaction
II. Models of Relationship Between Genotype and Exposure
III. Genetic Epidemiology
IV. Environmental Genomics
V. Gene-environment Interactions and Human Disease
Chapter 2 Disease Types: Complex Trait Diseases and Diseases Related to Environment
Section 1 Health and Diseases
I. Conception of Health
II. Conception of Diseases
III. Sub-healthy
IV. The Impact of Environmental Change on Health and Diseases
Section 2 Classification of diseases Based on Molecular, Systems and Organism
I. Brief Introduction of Classification of Diseases
II. Disease Classification on Molecular, Systems and Organism Levels
Section 3 The Overview of the Single Gene Disorder and Complex Disorders
I. Inheritance Patterns of Single Gene Disorders
II. The Model of Complex Disorder Development
III. The Comparison of Single Gene and Complex Disorder Models
IV. The Chromosome Structure Variation and Extra-nuclear Inheritance
Section 4 Environmental Diseases
I. Characteristics of Environmental Diseases
II. Kashin-Beck Disease
III. Keshan Disease
IV. Endimic Fluorosis
V. Iodine Deficiency Disorder
VI. Endemic Arsenism
Chapter 3 The Relationship Between Environmental Exposure, Environmental Response Genes and Disease Phenotypes
Section 1 Environment and Phenotype
I. Phenotype and Intermediate Phenotype
II. Gene, Environment and Disease Phenotype
III. Disease Phenotype
Section 2 Environmentally Responsive Gene
I. Concept of Environmentally Responsive Gene
II. Characteristics and Classification of Environmentally Responsive Genes
Section 3 Enviromnental Exposures, Environmental Response Genes and Complex Trait Diseases
I. Classification of Environmental Exposures
II. Environmental Exposure Assessment
III. The Relationship Between Environmental Exposure, Environmental Response
Genes and Complex Diseases
Section 4 Clues of Epidemiology
I. Geographical Variation
II. Racial Variation
III. Short-term Variation
IV. Social Economic Variations
V. Gender Difference
VI. Age Difference
VII. Family Variation
Chapter 4 Epidemiological Methods for the Gene-environment
Section 1 Basic Epidemiologic Designs
I. Cohort Study
II. Case-control Study
III. Case-only Study
IV. Case-crossover Study
Section 2 Hybrid Designs
I. Nested Case-control Study
II. Case-cohort Study
Section 3 Family-based Studies
I. Case-parent Study
II. Case-sibling Study
III. Case-offspring Study and Case-spouse Study
Chapter 5 Statistic Method of Environment-gene Interaction
Section 1 Statistic Method of Environment-gene Interaction
I. Linear Regression Analysis
II. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
III. Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR)
Section 2 Common High-throughput Omics Analysis Method for Gene-environment Interactions
I. Genome-wide Association Analysis of Gene-environment Interactions
II. Mendelian Randomization
III. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
Section 3 The High-throughput Omics Analysis Software Generally Used in the Interactions of Environment-gene
III. Cluster & TreeView
IV. Bioconductor
Chapter 6 The Statistic Model in Environment-gene Interaction
Section 1 The Analysis of Environment-gene Interaction
I. Concept of Interaction
II. The Mathematical Model of Interaction
Section 2 Confound
