始于2008年,历时12年,辗转28个省市自治区,行程26万余公里,途经554个县市,抵达拍摄村寨250 个左右,寻访到1531位民族代表和文化传人,多次攀越0-5000米海拔高度,得到了159家政府部门及专家学者的全力支持。 From 2008 to 2009, our team visited 28 provinces and regions of China, covering 554 cities and counties, and photographed for 1125 ethnic representatives and cultural inheritors. We climbed up mountains of 0-5000 metres height many times, but it is worth. We thank all the 159 governments and many specialists for their valuable support, because it is impossible without them. Finally we created the family photos of China's ethnic groups unmatched in history.