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SL 551-2012 Technical Specification for Embankment Dam Safet(Technical Specification for Embankment Dam Safety Monitoring)

SL 551-2012 Technical Specification for Embankment Dam Safet(Technical Specification for Embankment Dam Safety Monitoring)

定 价:¥460.00

作 者: 中华人民共和国水利部 编
出版社: 中国水利水电出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787522600437 出版时间: 2021-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 236 字数:  


  This standard is formulated in order to improve the monitoring technology of embankment dams and achieve the safety of project.This standard is mainly applicable to the safety monitoring of Class 1,Class 2,and Class 3 rolled embankment dams according to the classification of water and hydropower project grades.It is also suitable for the safety monitoring of Class 4 and Class 5 rolled embankment dams as well as other types of embankment dams.


  中国水利工程协会(CHINA WATER ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION,CWEA),成立于2005年8月18日,是由全国水利工程建设管理、施工、监理、运行管理、维修养护等企、事业单位及热心水利事业的其他相关组织和个人,自愿结成的非营利性、全国性的行业自律组织。


Introduction to English Version
1 General Provisions
2 Terms and Definitions
3 Field Inspection
3.1 General Stipulations
3.2 Inspectionltems and Contents
3.3 Inspection Methods and Requirements
3.4 Records and Reports
4 Deformation Monitoring
4.1 GeneraI Stipulations
4.2 Dam Surface Deformation
4.3 Interior Deformation of Dam Body (Foundation)
4.4 Deformation of Anti-Seepage Body
4.5 Deformation of Interface, Joints (Cracks) and Interspaces
4.6 Deformation of Near-dam Bank Slope
4.7 Deformation of Underground Cavern Surrounding Rock
4.8 Monitoring Data and Results
5 Seepage Monitoring
5.1 General Stipulations
5.2 Seepage Pressure of Dam Body
5.3 Seepage Pressure of Dam Foundation
5.4 Bypass Seepage
5.5 Seepage Discharge
5.6 Seepage of Near-dam Bank Slope
5.7 Seepage of Underground Cavern
6 Pressure (stress) Monitoring
7 Environment Variable Monitoring
8 Automatic Monitoring System
9 Reconfiguration and Analysis of Monitoring Data
Annex A General Provisions
Annex B Field Inspection
Annex C Deformation Monitoring
Annex D Seepage Monitoring
Annex E Pressure (Stress) Monitoring
Annex F Earthquake Response Monitoring
Annex G Hydraulic Observation of Water Release
Annex H Monitoring Planning and Instrument
Annex J Computation Formulae
Annex K Formats of Tables and Diagrams
(Informative Annexes)
Explanation of Wording
