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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术艺术绘画宫·展记:从王希孟到赵孟頫



定 价:¥66.00

作 者: 空间与陈设编辑室 编
出版社: 故宫出版社
丛编项: 国人的设计美学
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787513410311 出版时间: 2017-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 165 字数:  






Artistic Conception: State Meanings of Paintings and Spaces of Exhibitions
Wind in Pine and Shadow with Bamboo: Space Design of the Exhibition about Paintings and Calligraphy Works of Zhao Mengfu
Mountains and Rivers in a Small Appearance of a Painting Work :The Space Design of the Exhibition about Blue-green Landscape Paintings from across Chinese History
Landscaping of the Exhibition about Blue-green Landscape Paintings from across Chinese History
The Boat of Calligraphy and Paintings
Folding Screen, Screen- painting, and Vertical Scroll Painting
Ideology : Eternal Landscape
The Star in the Chinese Art: Comments on the Works in the Exhibition of Paintings and Calligraphy Works of Zhao Mengfu
Colors of Traditional Painting: Comments on the Works in the Exhibition about Blue-green Landscape Paintings from
across Chinese History
Inheritance of The Tradition of Literature and Art: Liu Dan talks about the Exhibition of Zhao Mengfu's Calligraphy and Paintings
Emperor's Ximeng: Transforming Landscape Paintings to an Imperial Discourse
The Effect of Physical Evidence in the Appraisal of Ancient Paintings: Discussion Developed from A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains (Qianli Jiangshan Tu)
Innovation: Phantasm of Vision
Breaking the Tradition, Heading to the Future: A Talk Between Lao Zhu and Xie Xiaofan
The Artworks of Clouds and Mountains with Ink: The Contemporary Shan-shui of Zou Cao
A Geometrical Boundless Landscape
A Savour Trip through the Qianli Jiangshan Tu
The Cloud Intercepted by The Howling Wind, The Neigh of Horse Sounded like The Singing of Dragon
