Foreword ix
Foreword to the First Edition xi
Preface xiii
1 Foundation 1
Problem: Building a Network 1
1.1 Applications 2
1.1.1 Classes of Applications 3
1.2 Requirements 6
1.2.1 Stakeholders 7
1.2.2 Scalable Connectivity 8
1.2.3 Cost-Effective Resource Sharing 13
1.2.4 Support for Common Services 17
1.2.5 Manageability 22
1.3 Architecture 23
1.3.1 Layering and Protocols 24
1.3.2 Encapsulation 28
1.3.3 Multiplexing and Demultiplexing 30
1.3.4 Seven-Layer OSI Model 31
1.3.5 Internet Architecture 33
1.4 Software 36
1.4.1 Application Programming Interface (Sockets) 37
1.4.2 Example Application 40
1.5 Performance 43
1.5.1 Bandwidth and Latency 44
1.5.2 Delay × Bandwidth Product 49
1.5.3 High-Speed Networks 50
1.5.4 Application Performance Needs 52
Perspective: Feature Velocity 55
Broader Perspective 56
Exercises 57
2 Direct Links 67
Problem: Connecting to a Network 67
2.1 Technology Landscape 68
2.2 Encoding 74
2.3 Framing 78
2.3.1 Byte-Oriented Protocols (PPP) 79
2.3.2 Bit-Oriented Protocols (HDLC) 81
2.3.3 Clock-Based Framing (SONET) 83
2.4 Error Detection 87
2.4.1 Internet Checksum Algorithm 89
2.4.2 Cyclic Redundancy Check 91
2.5 Reliable Transmission 97
2.5.1 Stop-and-Wait 98
2.5.2 Sliding Window 100
2.5.3 Concurrent Logical Channels 112
2.6 Multiaccess Networks 113
2.6.1 Physical Properties 114
2.6.2 Access Protocol 115
2.6.3 Longevity of Ethernet 120
2.7 Wireless Networks 121
2.7.1 Basic Issues 123
2.7.2 802.11/Wi-Fi 127
2.7.3 Bluetooth (802.15.1) 135
2.8 Access Networks 137
2.8.1 Passive Optical Network 138
2.8.2 Cellular Network 139
Perspective: Race to the Edge 145
Broader Perspective 147
Exercises 147
3 Internetworking 163
Problem: Not All Networks Are Directly Connected 163
3.1 Switching Basics 164
3.1.1 Datagrams 166
3.1.2 Virtual Circuit Switching 168
3.1.3 Source Routing 179
3.2 Switched Ethernet 182
3.2.1 Learning Bridges 183
3.2.2 Implementation 184
3.2.3 Spanning Tree Algorithm 186
3.2.4 Broadcast and Multicast 192
3.2.5 Virtual LANs (VLANs) 193
3.3 Internet (IP) 195
3.3.1 What Is an Internetwork? 195
3.3.2 Service Model 198
3.3.3 Global Addresses 206
3.3.4 Datagram Forwarding in IP 208
3.3.5 Subnetting and Classless Addressing 211
3.3.6 Address Translation (ARP) 219
3.3.7 Host Configuration (DHCP) 222
3.3.8 Error Reporting (ICMP) 226
3.3.9 Virtual Networks and Tunnels 226
3.4 Routing 230
3.4.1 Network as a Graph 232
3.4.2 Distance-Vector (RIP) 234
3.4.3 Link State (OSPF) 242
3.4.4 Metrics 252
3.5 Implementation 256
3.5.1 Software Switch 256
3.5.2 Hardware Switch 258
3.5.3 Software-Defined Networks 262
Perspective: Virtual Networks All the Way Down 265
Broader Perspective 267
Exercises 267
4 Advanced Internetworking 291
Problem: Scaling to Billions 291
4.1 Global Internet 292
4.1.1 Routing Areas 294
4.1.2 Interdomain Routing (BGP) 297
4.2 IP Version 6 308
4.2.1 Historical Perspective 309
4.2.2 Addresses and Routing 310
4.2.3 Packet Format 315
4.2.4 Advanced Capabilities 317
4.3 Multicast 319
4.3.1 Multicast Addresses 321
4.3.2 Multicast Routing (DVMRP, PIM, MSDP) 322
4.4 Multiprotocol Label Switching 334
4.4.1 Destination-Based Forwarding 336
4.4.2 Explicit Routing 342
4.4.3 Virtual Private Networks and Tunnels 344
4.5 Routing Among Mobile Devices 348
4.5.1 Challenges for Mobile Networking 349
4.5.2 Routing to Mobile Hosts (Mobile IP) 352
Perspective: The Cloud Is Eating the Internet 359
Broader Perspective 360
Exercises 361
5 End-to-End Protocols 369
Problem: Getting Processes to Communicate 369
5.1 Simple Demultiplexor (UDP)