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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理经济各行业经济我国电价体系建设与电力发展战略转型研究



定 价:¥258.00

作 者: 叶泽 等 著
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 国家哲学社会科学成果文库
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787030682581 出版时间: 2021-06-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 644 字数:  






第一章 绪论 1
第一节 电力工业 1
第二节 电力商品及其特性 13
第三节 电价职能、体系与机制 20
第四节 研究方案 33
第五节 研究意义与价值 48
第二章 电价理论、方法与政策 56
第一节 电价目标与电价理论 56
第二节 电价定价方法 67
第三节 电价政策选择 90
第三章 我国现行电价政策分析及评价 101
第一节 上网电价政策分析及评价 101
第二节 输配电价政策分析及评价 123
第三节 销售电价政策分析及评价 137
第四章 我国电力工业发展现状与战略转型 152
第一节 我国发电行业的现状及主要问题 152
第二节 我国电网行业的现状及主要问题 181
第三节 我国电力工业发展战略转型 191
第五章 电价政策与电力低碳发展战略转型 199
第一节 我国电力工业低碳发展现状及任务、目标 199
第二节 目前促进我国电力工业低碳发展的电价政策评价 215
第三节 国外低碳电价政策、制度与经验借鉴 247
第六章 电价形成机制与电力集约发展战略转型 276
第一节 我国电力工业集约化发展现状与电价形成机制 276
第二节 基于电力工业集约发展的我国电价形成机制及其评价 289
第三节 促进电力工业集约发展的境外电价形成机制及经验借鉴 359
第七章 电价传导机制与电力协调发展战略转型 392
第一节 我国电力工业协调发展状况与电价传导机制 392
第二节 我国电力工业协调发展的电价传导机制及其评价 403
第三节 国内外电力工业协调发展及其相关电价政策 460
第八章 电价管理与电力管制发展战略转型 476
第一节 我国电力工业(电价)管理体制概况及存在的问题 477
第二节 政府行政定价及其问题与改革思路 485
第三节 境外电力工业管理及管制电价的实践与经验 496
第四节 基于管制发展的电价管理体制与政策设计 519
第九章 政策建议 526
第一节 促进电力工业低碳发展的电价政策建议 526
第二节 促进电力工业集约发展的电价形成机制完善与改革建议 536
第三节 促进电力工业协调发展的电价传导机制及政策建议 592
第四节 促进电力工业管制发展战略转型的政策建议 606
参考文献 628
索引 639
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Electricity Industry 1
1.2 Electricity Commodity and Its Characteristics 13
1.3 Functions, System and Mechanisms of Electricity Price 20
1.4 Research Programmes 33
1.5 Research Significance and Value 48
Chapter 2 Theories, Methods and Policies of Electricity Price 56
2.1 Electricity Price Objectives and Electricity Price Theories 56
2.2 Electricity Pricing Methods 67
2.3 Options of Electricity Price Policy 90
Chapter 3 Analysis and Evaluation of the Current Electricity Price Policy in China 101
3.1 Analysis and Evaluation of Feed-in Tariff Policy 101
3.2 Analysis and Evaluation of Transmission-distribution Price Policy 123
3.3 Analysis and Evaluation of Retail Price Policy 137
Chapter 4 The Status Quo and Strategic Transformation of China’s Electricity Industry 152
4.1 The Status Quo and Main Problems of China’s Power Generation Industry 152
4.2 The Status Quo and Main Problems of China’s Power Grid Industry 181
4.3 Strategic Transformation of China’s Electricity Industry 191
Chapter 5 Electricity Price Policy and Strategic Transformation of Lowcarbon Development 199
5.1 The Status Quo, Missions and Objectives of Low-carbon Development of China’s Electricity Industry 199
5.2 Evaluation of Electricity Price Policy to Promote Low-carbon Development of China’s Electricity Industry 215
5.3 Policy, System and Experience of Low-carbon Electricity Price in Foreign Countries 247
Chapter 6 Electricity Price Formation Mechanism and the Strategic Transformation of Electricity Intensive Development 276
6.1 The Status Quo of the Intensive Development of China’s Electricity Industry and the Electricity Price Formation Mechanism 276
6.2 China’s Electricity Price Formation Mechanism and Its Evaluation: Based on the Intensive Development of Electricity Industry 289
6.3 Electricity Price Formation Mechanism and Experience to Promote Intensive Development of Electricity Industry in Some Countries/Areas 359
Chapter 7 Electricity Price Transmission Mechanism and the Strategic Transformation of Coordinated Development of Electricity Industry 392
7.1 The Status Quo of the Coordinated Development of China’s Electricity Industry and Electricity Price Transmission Mechanism 392
7.2 Electricity Price Transmission Mechanism and Its Evaluation in the Coordinated Development of China’s Electricity Industry 403
7.3 The Coordinated Development of Electricity Industry at Home and Abroad and Its Related Electricity Price Policies 460
Chapter 8 Electricity Price Management and Strategic Transformation of Regulatory Development of Electricity Industry 476
8.1 The Status Quo and Problems of China’s Power Industry (Electricity Price) Management System 477
8.2 The Problems and Reform Ideas of Administrative Pricing 485
8.3 Practice and Experience in the Electricity Industry Management and the Electricity Price Regulation in Some Countries/Areas 496
8.4 Electricity Price Management System and Policy Design Based on Strategic Transformation of Regulatory Development of Electricity Industry 519
Chapter 9 Policy Recommendations 526
9.1 Policy Recommendations on Electricity Price for Low-carbon Development of China’s Electricity Industry 526
9.2 Suggestions on the Improvement and Reform of Electricity Price Formation Mechanism for Intensive Development of Electricity Industry 536
9.3 Policy Recommendations on Electricity Price Transmission Mechanism for the Coordinated Development of the
Electricity Industry 592
9.4 Policy Recommendations for Enhancing the Strategic Transformation of Power Industry Regulatory Development 606
References 628
Index 639
