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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科历史文物考古东方考古(第18集)



定 价:¥180.00

作 者: 山东大学《东方考古》编辑部 编
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787030711021 出版时间: 2021-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 368 字数:  






目 录
墓葬头向反映的文化传承——海岱地区史前埋葬习俗之一 栾丰实(1)
前工业化的市场和市场行为:考古学视角 Gary M. Feinman Christopher P. Garraty 著 田钟灵 张颢馨 译 方 辉 校(9)
喇家遗址的考古发现与研究——关于遗存部分及农业生产方式的初步分析 戴 乐(38)
泗水变迁与春秋晚期、战国时期泗水流域内外的大国趋势——兼论泗上十二诸侯之宋、薛、邳的灭亡 郝导华(45)
探寻湮没已久的周代姚国 黄锦前(61)
春秋战国时期西戎墓葬葬俗初探 王安琪(68)
试论战国时期的楚墓人殉 印 群(80)
辽东半岛花纹砖墓考古学研究 张翠敏 范 磊(90)
汉皎光镜铭文释考 马良民(106)
西汉蟠螭纹清质镜铭之考释——兼谈昭明镜的流行背景及时间 张 昀(116)
一幅西汉伏羲女娲图像 田建文(123)
夙沙国在昌阳考 辛岳洲(133)
浙江海宁市(古盐官县)的盐业史料及相关遗存 周建初(139)
前史时期辽东半岛和胶东半岛的陶器制作技术 三阪一德 栾丰实 王 强 宫本一夫(160)
熔合吉金:论陕西出土五件青铜器的铸接 苏荣誉(188)
大英博物馆馆藏侯马青铜器:技术研究 王全玉 陈 谊 苏荣誉 著 武笑迎 译 王全玉 校(208)
中国古代青铜器失蜡法铸造之辩论 徐得娜 著 阚颖浩 林盈君 马清林 译(224)
济南张马屯遗址出土动物遗存研究 宋艳波 李 铭 郭俊峰 何 利 王 芬 靳桂云(246)
中国北方地区更新世晚期到全新世早期动物生业研究综述 高 瑶 王 华(263)
2013 年龙口归城遗址调查、勘探简报 孙兆锋 王子孟 周 丽(278)
山东龙口市薛家遗址发掘简报 杨 丁 赵斯田 王富强(291)
江苏金坛薛埠井头村土墩墓群D7 发掘简报 南京博物院(306)
费县故城勘探报告 刘志标 徐西存(324)
济南章丘区龙山镇黑陶作坊的人类学调查 陆青玉(345)
考古勘探中数字化技术的综合运用——以2016 年桓台县史家遗址考古勘探工作为例 陈宗瑞 吕历阳 唐仲明 赵星宇(359)
Cultural Inheritance Reflected From the Head of the Tomb: One of the Prehistoric Burial Customs in Haidai Area Luan Fengsh(7)
Preindustrial Market and Marketing: Archaeological Perspectives Gary M. Feinman and Christopher P. Garraty Translated by Tian Zhongling Zhang Haoxin Proofread by Fang Hui(37)
Archaeological Discovery and Research of Lajia Site: Preliminary Analysis on the Remaining Parts and Agricultural Production Methods Dai Le(44)
The Changes of the Sishui River and the Major Power Trend in and Outside the Sishui River Basin During the Late Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period: Also on the Demise of Song, Xue and Pi of the Twelve Princes of Sishang Hao Daohua(60)
Exploring the Long Lost Yao State of Zhou Dynasty Huang Jinqian(66)
A Preliminary Study on Funeral Customs of the Xirong Culture in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period Wang Anq(79)
On the Martyrdom of Chu Tombs in the Warring States Period Yin Qun(89)
Archaeological Study on the Textured Brick Tombs in Liaodong Peninsula Zhang Cuimin Fan Le(105)
On the Inscriptions of Han “Jiaoguang” Mirror Ma Liangmin(115)
The Interpretation of Inscriptions on Qingzhi Mirrors with Panchi Patterns During Western Han: Concurrently on the Background and Period of the Prevalence of Zhaoming Mirrors Zhang Yun(122)
An Image of “Fuxi and Nvwa” in the Western Han Dynasty Tian Jianwen(132)
A Study of the Kingdom of Susha in Changyang Xin Yuezhou(138)
Historical Documents of Salt Industry and Related Cultural Relics in Haining City (Ancient Yanguan County) of Zhejiang Province Zhou Jianchu(159)
Pottery Making Techniques of Liaodong Peninsula and Jiaodong Peninsula in Prehistorical Period Kazunori Misaka Luan Fengshi Wang Qiang Miyamoto Kazuo(186)
On the Cast-on Process in Bronze Manufacture: Five Pieces Bronzes Unearthed at Shaanxi Province Su Rongyu(207)
Houma Bronzes in the British Museum: A Technical Study Wang Quanyu Chen Yi Su Rongyu Translated by Wu Xiaoying Proofread by Wang Quanyu(222)
Debating the Use of Lost-Wax Casting in Ancient China Donna Strahan Translated by Kan Yinghao Lin Ying-chun Ma Qinglin(244)
Faunal Remains Research of Zhangmatun Site, Jinan Song Yanbo Li Ming Guo Junfeng He Li Wang Fen Jin Guiyun(262)
Review on Animal Subsistence From Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene in Northern China Gao Yao Wang Hua(276)
Survey and Exploration of Guicheng Site in Longkou , 2013 Sun Zhaofeng Wang Zimeng Zhou Li(289)
A Brief Report of the Excavation on Xuejia Site in Longkou, Shangdong Province Yang Ding Zhao Sitian Wang Fuqiang(305)
Excavation of the Earthen Mound Burial D7 in Jingtoucun, Xuebu, Jintan, Jiangsu Province Nanjing Museum(323)
Fei County Exploration Report Liu Zhibiao Xu Xicun(343)
Anthropological Investigation of Black Pottery Workshop in Longshan Town,Zhangqiu District, Jinan City Lu Qingyu(358)
Comprehensive Application of Digital Technology in Archaeological Exploration:A Case Study of the Archaeological Exploration of the Shijia Site in Huantai County in 2016 Chen Zongrui Lv Liyang Tang Zhongming Zhao Xingyu(367)
