——兼论相关史料的解读与运用 ◎余新忠(南开大学)
明清徽商与长江流域的木材贸易 ◎王振忠(复旦大学)
清代长江中游的木帆船与船运组织 ◎陈瑶(厦门大学)
15—19世纪大运河的物货流通与苏杭城市经济的发展 ◎范金民(南京大学)
城乡之间: 明清江南的水运环境与社会生活 ◎冯贤亮(复旦大学)
华洋杂处下的西津渡: 19世纪京口江岸区域的社会秩序 ◎吴滔、胡晶晶(中山大学)
棉业、海运与元末以来江南的黄道婆信仰 ◎王健(上海社会科学院)
无官问津: 清初台糖入苏贸易的兴起,1687—1718 ◎徐冠勉(北京大学)
The Use of the Leeboard on Riverine and Coastal Craft in the Yangzi and Rhine Estuaries, a Footnote to Comparative Nautical History ◎Leonard Bluss, Leiden University
Competition between Dutch Skippers, German Ship owners, and the Transition to Steam ◎Hein A. M. Klemann, Erasmus University Rotterdam
“Nothing More than a Large Warehouse, which Stands under Dutch Control”: The Importance of Amsterdam for Italian Traders from Frankfurt am Main in the Eighteenth Century ◎Ralf Banken, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Shipping and Shopping, Delousing and Control: Trans migrants and Permanent Migrations in Rotterdam (1849 - 1939) ◎Marlou Schrover, Leiden University
Constructing Expertise and Prominence: The Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine in the 1840s ◎Joep Schenk, Utrecht University
Low Water Levels on the Rhine in 2018 and Their Impact on the Inland Navigation Industry and on Industrial Production in Germany ◎Norbert Kriedel, Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine
Different Strokes for Different Folks ◎Nil Disco, University of Twente
The Amphibious Culture along the Zuider Sea and the Big Rivers in the Netherlands, 1500 - 1850 ◎Petra J. E. M. van Dam, Free University, Amsterdam
Rhine Romanticism and Tourism since the End of 18th Century ◎Pia Nordblom, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz