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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学天文学/地球科学中国海洋经济统计年鉴2020



定 价:¥168.00

作 者: 自然资源部海洋战略规划与经济司 编
出版社: 海洋出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787521008623 出版时间: 2022-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






1 综合资料
Integrated Data
1-1 沿海地区行政区划(2019 年)………………………………………………………………(3)
Administrative Division of Coastal Regions (2019)
1-2 沿海行政区划一览表(2019 年)……………………………………………………………(4)
Table of Administrative Division of Coastal Regions (2019)
1-3 海洋资源情况………………………………………………………………………………(11)
Marine Resources
1-4 沿海地区水资源情况(2019 年)……………………………………………………………(12)
Water Resources by Coastal Regions (2019)
1-5 沿海地区湿地面积…………………………………………………………………………(13)
Area of Wetlands by Coastal Regions
1-6 红树林面积(2019 年)………………………………………………………………………(14)
Area of Sharpleaf Mangrove (Rhizophora Apiculat) (2019)
1-7 主要沿海城市气候基本情况(2019 年)……………………………………………………(15)
Climate of Major Coastal Cities (2019)
2 海洋经济核算
Marine Economic Accounting
2-1 全国海洋生产总值…………………………………………………………………………(21)
National Gross Ocean Product
2-2 全国海洋生产总值构成……………………………………………………………………(22)
Composition of National Gross Ocean Product
2-3 全国海洋及相关产业增加值………………………………………………………………(23)
Added Values of Marine and Related Industries
2-4 全国海洋及相关产业增加值构成…………………………………………………………(24)
Composition of the Added Values of Marine and Related Industries
2-5 全国主要海洋产业增加值(2019 年)………………………………………………………(25)
Added Values of National Major Marine Industries (2019)
— II —
2-6 海洋渔业增加值……………………………………………………………………………(26)
Added Value of Marine Fishery Industry
2-7 海洋油气业增加值…………………………………………………………………………(27)
Added Value of Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
2-8 海洋矿业增加值……………………………………………………………………………(28)
Added Value of Marine Mining Industry
2-9 海洋盐业增加值……………………………………………………………………………(29)
Added Value of Marine Salt Industry
2-10 海洋船舶工业增加值………………………………………………………………………(30)
Added Value of Marine Shipbuilding Industry
2-11 海洋化工业增加值…………………………………………………………………………(31)
Added Value of Marine Chemical Industry
2-12 海洋生物医药业增加值……………………………………………………………………(32)
Added Value of Marine Biomedicine Industry
2-13 海洋工程建筑业增加值……………………………………………………………………(33)
Added Value of Marine Engineering Architecture Industry
2-14 海洋电力业增加值…………………………………………………………………………(34)
Added Value of Marine Electric Power Industry
2-15 海水利用业增加值…………………………………………………………………………(35)
Added Value of Seawater Utilization Industry
2-16 海洋交通运输业增加值……………………………………………………………………(36)
Added Value of Marine Communications and Transportation Industry
2-17 滨海旅游业增加值…………………………………………………………………………(37)
Added Value of Coastal Tourism
2-18 沿海地区海洋生产总值(2019 年)…………………………………………………………(38)
Gross Ocean Product by Coastal Regions (2019)
2-19 沿海地区海洋生产总值构成(2019 年)……………………………………………………(39)
Composition of Gross Ocean Product by Coastal Regions (2019)
2-20 沿海地区海洋及相关产业增加值(2019 年)………………………………………………(40)
Added Values of Marine and Related Industries by Coastal Regions (2019)
2-21 沿海地区海洋及相关产业增加值构成(2019 年)…………………………………………(41)
Composition of the Added Values of Marine and Related Industries by Coastal Regions (2019)
— III —
3 主要海洋产业活动
Major Marine Industrial Activities
3-1 全国海水产品产量(按产品类别分)………………………………………………………(49)
Production of National Marine Products (by Product Category)
3-2 全国海水产品产量(按地区分)(2019 年)……………………………………………(50)
Production of National Marine Products (by Regions) (2019)
3-3 沿海地区海盐产量…………………………………………………………………………(51)
Output of Sea Salt by Coastal Regions
3-4 分地区海船完工量(2019 年) ………………………………………………………………(52)
Marine Shipbuilding Completions by Regions (2019)
3-5 沿海地区海洋货物运输量和周转量(2019 年) ……………………………………………(53)
Maritime Freight Traffic and Ton-kilometers by Coastal Regions (2019)
3-6 沿海地区海洋旅客运输量和周转量(2019 年) ……………………………………………(54)
Volume of Maritime Passenger Traffic and Turnover by Coastal Regions (2019)
3-7 沿海港口客货吞吐量(2019 年) ……………………………………………………………(55)
Volume of Passenger and Freight Handled at Coastal Seaports (2019)
3-8 沿海港口国际标准集装箱吞吐量…………………………………………………………(56)
International Standardized Containers Handled at Coastal Seaports
3-9 沿海城市国内旅游人数………………………………………………………………………(57)
Domestic Visitors by Coastal Cities
3-10 主要沿海城市接待入境游客人数…………………………………………………………(59)
Number of Inbound Tourists Received by Major Coastal Cities
3-11 主要沿海城市接待入境游客情况(2019 年)………………………………………………(60)
Breakdown of Inbound Tourists Received by Major Coastal Cities (2019)
4 主要海洋产业生产能力
Production Capacity of Major Marine Industries
4-1 沿海地区海水养殖面积……………………………………………………………………(67)
Mariculture Area by Coastal Regions
4-2 沿海地区盐田面积和海盐生产能力………………………………………………………(68)
Salt Pan Area and Sea Salt Production Capacity by Coastal Regions
4-3 海上风电项目情况(2019 年) ……………………………………………………………(69)
Projects of Offshore Wind Power (2019)
— IV —
4-4 主要海洋能电站分布情况…………………………………………………………………(70)
Distribution of Major Ocean Power Stations
4-5 主要海上活动船舶(2019 年)………………………………………………………………(71)
Major Vessels Operating on the Sea (2019)
4-6 沿海主要港口生产用码头泊位(2019 年)…………………………………………………(72)
Berths for Productive Use at the Main Coastal Seaports (2019)
4-7 沿海地区星级饭店基本情况(2019 年)…………………………………………………(74)
Star Grade Hotels and Occupancies by Coastal Regions (2019)
4-8 沿海地区旅行社数…………………………………………………………………………(75)
Number of Travel Agencies by Coastal Regions
5 海洋科学技术
Marine Science and Technology
5-1 分行业海洋研究与开发机构及人员(2019 年)……………………………………………(81)
Marine R&D Institutions and Personnel by Industry (2019)
5-2 分行业海洋研究与开发机构R&D 人员(2019 年)………………………………………(83)
R&D Personnel in Marine R&D Institutions by Industry (2019)
5-3 分行业海洋研究与开发机构R&D 人员全时当量(2019 年)……………………………(85)
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel in Marine R&D Institutions by Industry (2019)
5-4 分行业按活动类型分海洋研究与开发机构R&D 经费内部支出(2019 年)……………(87)
Intramural Expenditure on R&D of Marine R&D Institutions by Activities Type
by Industry (2019)
5-5 分行业按支出类别分海洋研究与开发机构R&D 经费内部支出(2019 年)……………(89)
Intramural Expenditure on R&D of Marine R&D Institutions by Expenditure Category
by Industry (2019)
5-6 分行业按经费来源分海洋研究与开发机构R&D 经费内部支出(2019 年)……………(91)
Intramural Expenditure on R&D of Marine R&D Institutions by Source of Funds
by Industry (2019)
5-7 分行业海洋研究与开发机构R&D 经费外部支出(2019 年)……………………………(93)
External Expenditure on R&D of Marine R&D Institutions by Industry (2019)
5-8 分行业海洋研究与开发机构R&D 课题(2019 年)………………………………………(95)
R&D Projects of Marine R&D Institutions by Industry (2019)
5-9 分行业海洋研究与开发机构科技论著(2019 年)…………………………………………(97)
Scientific and Technological Papers and Works of Marine R&D Institutions by Industry (2019)
— V —
5-10 分行业海洋研究与开发机构专利(2019 年)………………………………………………(99)
Scientific and Technological Patents of Marine R&D Institutions by Industry (2019)
5-11 分行业海洋研究与开发机构形成标准和软件著作权(2019 年)…………………………(103)
Standards and Software Copyrights of Marine R&D Institutions by Industry (2019)
5-12 分地区海洋研究与开发机构及人员(2019 年)……………………………………………(105)
Marine R&D Institutions and Personnel by Region (2019)
5-13 分地区海洋研究与开发机构R&D 人员(2019 年)………………………………………(106)
R&D Personnel in Marine R&D Institutions by Region (2019)
5-14 分地区海洋研究与开发机构R&D 人员全时当量(2019 年)…………………………(107)
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel in Marine R&D Institutions by Region (2019)
5-15 分地区按活动类型分海洋研究与开发机构R&D 经费内部支出(2019 年)……………(108)
Intramural Expenditure on R&D of Marine R&D Institutions by Activities Type
by Region (2019)
5-16 分地区按支出类型分海洋研究与开发机构R&D 经费内部支出(2019 年)……………(109)
Intramural Expenditure on R&D of Marine R&D Institutions by Expenditure Category
by Region (2019)
5-17 分地区按经费来源分海洋研究与开发机构R&D 经费内部支出(2019 年)……………(110)
Intramural Expenditure on R&D of Marine R&D Institutions by Source of Funds
by Region (2019)
5-18 分地区海洋研究与开发机构R&D 经费外部支出(2019 年)…………………………(111)
External Expenditure on R&D of Marine R&D Institutions by Region (2019)
5-19 分地区海洋研究与开发机构R&D 课题(2019 年)……………………………………(112)
R&D Projects of Marine R&D Institutions by Region (2019)
5-20 分地区海洋研究与开发机构科技论著(2019 年)…………………………………………(113)
Scientific and Technological Papers and Works of Marine R&D Institutions by Region (2019)
5-21 分地区海洋研究与开发机构专利(2019 年)………………………………………………(114)
Scientific and Technological Patents of Marine R&D Institutions by Region (2019)
5-22 分地区海洋研究与开发机构形成标准和软件著作权(2019 年)………………………(115)
Standards and Software Copyrights of Marine R&D Institutions by Region (2019)
6 海洋教育

9 全国及沿海社会经济
