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当前位置: 首页出版图书生活时尚育儿/成长家庭教育小学生英文幽默故事:适合中国小学生的快乐学习法



定 价:¥39.80

作 者: 林克妈妈
出版社: 浙江教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787572209321 出版时间: 2021-05-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






单元   神奇的果园   a,e,i,o,u的发音
Lesson 1 A Cat’s Foreign Language
a [æ]  老鼠的外语  002
Lesson 2 It Is Part of the Game
a [e?]  这是游戏的一部分  004
Lesson 3 The Best Present
e [e]  好的礼物  006
Lesson 4 I Have His Ear in My Pocket
i [?]  他的耳朵还在我衣兜里呢  008
Lesson 5 My Dog Doesn’t Bite
i [a?]  我的狗不咬人  010
Lesson 6 I Was Not Lost
o [?]  我没有迷路  012
Lesson 7 I Broke Them All
o [??]  我把它们都敲破了  014
Lesson 8 A Man with a Gun
u [?]  持枪男人  016
Lesson 9 Just Use a Pencil
u [ju:]  就用铅笔吧  018
快乐总复习   020
Who picks more apples? 谁摘到更多的苹果?
第二单元   开心农场   ar,er,ir,or,ur的发音
Lesson 10 A Smart Answer
ar [ɑ:]  聪明的回答  024
Lesson 11 I’m the Driver
er [?]  我是司机  026
Lesson 12 A Bedtime Story about Birds
ir [?:]  关于鸟的睡前故事  028
Lesson 13 A Bad School Report
or [?:]  差的成绩单  030
Lesson 14  The Nurse Should Give Me Some Money
ur [?:]  护士应该给我钱  032
快乐总复习  034
Who lays more eggs? 谁下的蛋多?
第三单元    奇妙的泡泡  oa,oi,oo,ou,ow的发音
Lesson 15 A Different Roast Every Day
oa [??]  每天的烤肉都不同  038
Lesson 16 A Noisy Girl and Five Hundred Ducks
oi [??]  一个吵闹的女孩和500只鸭子  040
Lesson 17 A Lazy Brook
oo [?]  懒惰的布鲁克  042
Lesson 18 She Is a Fool
oo [u:]  她是傻瓜  044
Lesson 19 Other Moms Also Want to Be Proud
ou [a?]  其他妈妈也想骄傲  046
Lesson 20 Follow the Flies
ow [??]  跟着苍蝇走  048
Lesson 21 It’s Raining Now
ow [a?]  正在下雨呢  050
快乐总复习  052
Who blows more bubbles? 谁吹的泡泡多?
第四单元   美丽的项链   ee,ie,ue,ea,ai,aw的发音
Lesson 22 That’s Why I Keep the Bigger One
ee [i:]  那就是我为什么要留大些的  056
Lesson 23 Take This Piece and Cut It into Two
ie [i:]  拿走这块,然后切成两块  058
Lesson 24 Who Put Glue on My Chair
ue [u:]  谁把胶水弄到我的椅子上  060
Lesson 25 Before a Meal Or After a Meal
ea [i:]  饭前还是饭后  062
Lesson 26 Hit on the Head with a Cake
ea [e]  用蛋糕打头  064
Lesson 27 Did She Miss the Train
ai [e?]  她误火车了吗  066
Lesson 28 To Draw Out All His Savings
aw [?:]  去取出他的全部存款  068
快乐总复习  070
Who makes a longer pearl necklace?
第五单元   采蘑菇   y,ay,ey,oy的发音
Lesson 29 Who Is Lazy
y [?]  谁偷懒  074
Lesson 30 But My Teacher Cried
y [a?]  可我的老师哭了  076
Lesson 31 You Can’t Say No to the Teacher   
ay [e?]  你不能对老师说“不”  078
Lesson 32 A Good Way to Ask for Money
ey [?]  要钱的好方法  080
Lesson 33 Little Roy’s New Trousers
oy [??]  小罗伊的新裤子  082
快乐总复习   084
Who picks more mushrooms? 谁采到更多的蘑菇?
第六单元   魔力气球   are,air,ire,ear,eer的发音
Lesson 34 He Scared Patients Out of My Office
are [e?] 他把病人从我诊所里吓跑了  088
Lesson 35 So Little Hair and So Much Hair
air [e?] 这么少和这么多的头发  090
Lesson 36 Your House Is on Fire    
ire [a??] 你的房子着火了  092
Lesson 37 Feeding the Teller with a Pear
ear [??]、[e?] 给出纳员喂梨  094
Lesson 38 There Is Only One Deer
eer [??]  只有一只梅花鹿  096
快乐总复习  098
Who can fly? 谁能飞起来?
第七单元   垂钓者的乐园   c,ck,ch,tch的发音
Lesson 39 Only One Cake Left
c a/e/i/o/u  [k]/[s] 只剩下一个蛋糕了  102
Lesson 40 A Magic Stove
c在结尾 [k]  神奇的炉灶   104
Lesson 41 One More Ticket
ck [k]  再来一张票  106
Lesson 42 Watching TV with a Candle on
ch/tch [t?]  点着蜡烛看电视  108
快乐总复习  110
Who gets more fish? 谁能钓到更多的鱼?
第八单元   省钱小能手   n,nk,ng,ing的发音
Lesson 43 Bring Me the Winner
n [n]   把获胜方拿给我  114
Lesson 44 Why Do You Drink So Much Water
nk [?k]  你为什么喝这么多水  116
Lesson 45 A Father with Long Hair
ng [?]  长发爸爸  118
Lesson 46 Shake It to Ring
ing [??]  摇一下就会响  120
快乐总复习  122
Who buys more lollipops with less money?
第九单元   妙手园丁   x,l,r,dr,tr的发音
Lesson 47 A Text Message
x [ks]  手机短信  126
Lesson 48 Wake Up. Time for Sleeping Pills
l [l]  醒醒,该吃安眠药了  128
Lesson 49 Sorry I Don’t Want to Buy Them
r [r]  对不起,我不想买了  130
Lesson 50 Our Driver Is Very Poor
dr [ dr] 我们的司机很穷  132
Lesson 51 Having Trouble Seeing Things
tr [tr]  看不清东西  134
快乐总复习  136
Who saves more flowers? 谁救活了更多的花儿?              
第十单元   妙手抛球   ge/dge,gh/ph,sh,th,s 清辅音,igh,qu,tw的发音
Lesson 52 I Change My Mind
ge/dge [d?]  我改主意了  140
Lesson 53 It’s Not Enough, Either
gh/ph [f] 那也不够呀  142
Lesson54 Who Broke the Dishes
sh [?]  谁把盘子摔破了  144
Lesson 55 Your Face and Mouth Tell Me That
th [θ]  你的脸和嘴告诉我的  146
Lesson 56 One More Father
th [ð]  再来一个爸爸  148
Lesson 57 I Thought You Called Another Student
s t/k/p [sd/sg/sb] 我以为你叫另一个学生  150
Lesson 58 He Was Too Busy Last Night
igh [a?]  他昨晚太忙了  152
Lesson 59 Who Can Answer My First Question
qu [kw]  谁能回答我个问题  154
Lesson 60  Twice Twenty
tw [tw]  二十的两倍  156
快乐总复习  158
Who can throw up more balls?
后记:我是如何帮助林克进行英语阅读的?  161
编写花絮  164
