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谋幸福 谋复兴 谋大同:中国共产党是怎样的党(英)

谋幸福 谋复兴 谋大同:中国共产党是怎样的党(英)

定 价:¥139.00

作 者: 李东方,陈印昌
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 中国读本丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508546636 出版时间: 2021-06-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 248 字数:  


  “中国读本”丛书包括11个分册,逐一回答了“中国是怎样一路走来的”“中国共产党是怎样的党”“中国特色社会主义道路是怎样的道路”“中国梦是怎样的梦想”“中国的民主是怎样的民主”“中国现在处在怎样的时代”等一系列问题,帮助读者了解当代中国基本制度和发展大势,更加全面、客观地认识当代中国。本书在全面、清晰地描绘中国共产党一路走来历程的基础上,讲清了中国共产党为何能不断从胜利走向胜利,带领中华民族迎来从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃的道理,并对“中国共产党人”这一群体的精神特质进行了生动细腻的刻画。The “Reading China” series consists of six volumes, which answer questions including “How China has come all this way”, “What kind of party is the CPC”, “What is the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics”, “What is the Chinese Dream”, “What kind of democracy is China’s democracy” and “What era is China in”, respectively. It helps readers gain a comprehensive and objective understanding of the fundamental systems and general development trends of contemporary China.Based on a comprehensive and clear description of the history of the Communist Party of China, this book explains why the Communist Party of China can continue to go from victory to victory, and lead the Chinese nation to a great leap. And the spiritual characteristics of "Chinese Communists" are portrayed vividly and delicately.


  李东方,中央党史和文献研究院研究部助理研究员。主要从事中共党史和理论研究,著有《长征与中国共产党的政治理念传播:基于政治社会化理论的分析》(专著),《历史性变革——我们中国这五年》(合著),《生态文明:从理论到行动》(合著)等,先后参与《中国共产党的九十年》《中国共产党历史组织机构辞典》《中国共产党全国代表大会史》等著作的编写,在报刊发表文章多篇。Li Dongfang. He is an assistant researcher at the First Research Department of Central Institute of Party’s History and Literature. He is mainly engaged in the research on the history and theory of the Communist Party of China. He is the author of The Long March and the Propagation of the Political Ideas of the Communist Party of China: An Analysis Bas ed on the Theor y of Political Socialization(monograph), Historic Changes: These Five Years in China (co-author), Ecological Civilization: From Theory to Action (co-author), etc. He has participated in the compilation of a series of works including Ninety Years of the Communist Party of China,Dictionary of the Historical Organization of the Communist Party of China and History of the National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, and published many articles in newspapers.


Chapter One  How was the Communist Party of ChinaSet up? Why Did the Chinese People Accept Marxism? Establishment of Communist Party Organizations The Convening of the First National Congress of the Party Chapter Two  Lofty Ideal: The Spiritual “Calcium” of the Chinese Communists The Communist Party of China is a Party with Marxism as Its Banner The Communist Party of China is a Party with Lofty Ideals The Communist Party of China is an Advanced Political Party United by Faith Chapter Three  Tight Organization: The Power of the Communist Party of China A Discussion about the Organization of the Party at the First National Congress Get Organized The Cohesiveness and Combat Effectiveness of the Party Branches The Development and Changes of the Party Organizations Division of Functions of Party Organizations at All Levels The Party’s Organizational Principles No Privileged Party Members Chapter Four  Strict Discipline: The Real Advantage of the Communist Party of China The Communist Party of China — a Strictly-Disciplined Marxist Party The Power of the Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention “Surviving the Long March Because of Strict Discipline” Discipline Ensuring Victory in the Democratic Revolution Party Organs for Discipline Inspection Chapter Five  The Sentiment for the People: The Principle of the Communist Party of China Standing on the People’s Side Represents the Fundamental Political Stance of Marxism The Communist Party is Really Good; It has thought of Everything for Us! Serving the People Wholeheartedly The Stance of Standing on the People’s Side and Exercising Power in the Interests of the People People-centered Philosophy Chapter Six  Self-revolution: The Most Distinctive Character of the Communist Party of China A Powerful Party is Forged in Self-revolution Self-Correction at the August 7th Meeting The Revolutionary Forging of the People’s Army by the Spirit of the Gutian Conference Zunyi Conference to Reverse the Crisis A New Successful Example of Strengthening the Party’s Selfrevolution Through Rectification: The Yan’an Rectification Movement The Seven Thousand People’s Conference: Self-revolution in Socialist Construction 1Reform and Opening-up: Another Self-revolution of the Communist Party of ChinaOngoing Self-revolution Chapter Seven  The Power of Character of the Communist Party of China The Spirit of Heroic Sacrifice for the Ideal Unlimited Loyalty to the Party Revolutionary Optimism Sincere Feelings of Selfless Dedication to the People
