“中国读本”丛书包括11个分册,逐一回答了“中国是怎样一路走来的”“中国共产党是怎样的党”“中国特色社会主义道路是怎样的道路”“中国梦是怎样的梦想”“中国的民主是怎样的民主”“中国现在处在怎样的时代”等一系列问题,帮助读者了解当代中国基本制度和发展大势,更加全面、客观地认识当代中国。本书在全面、清晰地描绘中国共产党一路走来历程的基础上,讲清了中国共产党为何能不断从胜利走向胜利,带领中华民族迎来从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃的道理,并对“中国共产党人”这一群体的精神特质进行了生动细腻的刻画。The “Reading China” series consists of six volumes, which answer questions including “How China has come all this way”, “What kind of party is the CPC”, “What is the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics”, “What is the Chinese Dream”, “What kind of democracy is China’s democracy” and “What era is China in”, respectively. It helps readers gain a comprehensive and objective understanding of the fundamental systems and general development trends of contemporary China.Based on a comprehensive and clear description of the history of the Communist Party of China, this book explains why the Communist Party of China can continue to go from victory to victory, and lead the Chinese nation to a great leap. And the spiritual characteristics of "Chinese Communists" are portrayed vividly and delicately.