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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术交通运输隧道工程(英文版)



定 价:¥124.00

作 者: 彭立敏
出版社: 中南大学出版社有限责任公司
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787548740155 出版时间: 2021-05-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 458 字数:  


  内容摘要:本书全面系统地介绍了铁路、公路山岭交通隧道工程的技术发展、勘测设计、主体建筑与附属建筑、围岩分级与围岩压力、衬砌结构的设计与计算、隧道钻爆法施工方法与工艺、施工作业与辅助作业、新奥法和新意法理论与技术、隧道掘进机施工、高速铁路隧道的基本知识、隧道施工组织与管理、隧道的营运与养护维修等。书中理论与实践并重,结合多个典型工程实例介绍了隧道工程理论与知识的应用。 主要特点:本书以中华人民共和国铁路与公路行业标准为主要依据,就国内外交通隧道工程的发展、勘察、结构设计与计算、施工方法与工艺、新奥法理论与技术、全断面隧道掘进机技术、高速铁路隧道、营运管理与养护维修等方面,均作了比较全面系统的介绍。尤其是目前在交通隧道工程建设方面的一些新技术和新发展结合做了专门介绍。




Chapter 1 Introduction1
1.1 Basic concepts of tunnel engineering 1
1.2 Types and functions of tunnels 2
1.3 Development of tunnel engineering 6
Chapter 2 Tunnel Engineering Survey and Design 16
2.1 Investigation of tunnel engineering 17
2.2 Location selection of tunnel 22
2.3 Selection of tunnel portal location 33
2.4 Design of tunnel line 36
Chapter 3 The Main Structure of Tunnel 42
3.1 Tunnel limit and clearance 42
3.2 Design of tunnel lining section 49
3.3 Tunnel support structure 52
3.4 Tunnel portal structure 61
3.5 Opencut tunnel structure 66
Chapter 4 Tunnel Affiliated Building 73
4.1 Affiliated building for railway tunnels 73
4.2 Affiliated building for highway tunnels 80
4.3 Waterproof and drainage of Tunnels 94
Chapter 5 Surrounding Rock Classification and Surrounding Rock Pressure 101
5.1 Concepts and engineering properties of surrounding rock in tunnel 101
5.2 Stability of surrounding rock 105
5.3 Surrounding rock classification 111
5.4 Surrounding rock pressure 131
Chapter 6 Tunnel Lining Structure Calculation 149
6.1 Mechanical characteristics and calculation model of tunnel structure system 149
6.2 Structural mechanics method 154
6.3 Rock mechanics method 172
6.4 Tunnel seismic calculation 189
Chapter 7 Tunnel Construction Method 194
7.1 Overview 194
7.2 The basic concept of mining method 197
7.3 Tunnel portal construction 211
7.4 Tunnel auxiliary construction measures 215
7.5 Tunnel construction in special geological areas 224
7.6 Collapse treatment when tunnel construction 238
Chapter 8 Basic Operations of Mining Method 243
8.1 Drilling and Blasting 243
8.2 muck loading and transporting 267
8.3 Tunnel support technology 272
8.4 Waterproof and drainage technology of lining 291
Chapter 9 Tunnel Construction Auxiliary Operations 299
9.1 Auxiliary heading for tunnel construction 299
9.2 Construction ventilation and dust prevention 306
9.3 Supply of compressed air 314
9.4 Water supply and waterproof for construction 318
9.5 Power supply and lighting 321
Chapter 10 New Austrian Tunneling Method and ADECO RS 326
10.1 The basic concepts of the New Austrian Tunneling Method 326
10.2 Interaction between surrounding rock and supporting structure during tunnel
Construction 330
10.3 Monitoring of New Austrian Tunneling Method 338
10.4 Introduction to analysis of controlled deformations in rock and soils 349
Chapter 11 Tunnel Construction with a Tunnel Boring Machine 355
11.1 Overview 355
11.2 The type and structure of full face tunnel boring machine 358
11.3 Tunnel Construction with tunnel boring machine 367
11.4 Support types associated with tunnel construction with TBM 373
Chapter 12 Tunnel Engineering for High speed Railways 380
12.1 Survey on the development of high speed railway tunnels in China and abroad
12.2 Clearance and internal contours of high speed railway tunnels 383
12.3 Aerodynamic issues in high speed railway tunnels 389 4 Engineering measures for reducing aerodynamic effects in a tunnel 394 12.5 Disaster prevention and rescue in a high speed railway tunnel 401
Chapter 13 Organization and Management of Tunnel Construction 404
13.1 Construction preparation 404
13.2 Construction organization design 406
13.3 Construction site layout 408
13.4 Construction schedule 411
13.5 Introduction of risk management in the tunnel construction 423
Chapter 14 Tunnel Operation Management and Maintenance 430
14.1 Management technology in tunnel operation 430
14.2 Testing technology for operating tunnels 436
14.3 Evaluation technology of operating tunnels 442
14.4 Maintenance technology for operating tunnels 444
Main References 455
