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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络行业软件及应用基于问题学习模式的高校计算机辅助翻译课程教学设计研究(PBL)



定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 骆雪娟
出版社: 中山大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787306071965 出版时间: 2021-11-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 316 字数:  


  计算机辅助翻译(Computer—Assisted Translation,CAT)已经成为翻译实践的主流形式,其教学也日益受到高校相关学科的重视。但是,国内学界多聚焦CAT课程教什么的问题,对于该类课程如何教,尚缺乏系统的研究。本研究采用建构主义教学观,运用基于问题的学习模式(Problem—Based Learning,PBL)理论,设计了36课时的CAT课程教学方案,并选择中山大学英语专业24名三年级学生进行了教学实验,在教学设计、教学过程、教学反馈等环节,利用学生日志、问卷调查、课程考试等方式,获取了学生视角下PBL学习模式在态度、学习效果和行为转变三个层面上的评估结果。结果显示,PBL学习模式对高校CAT课程教学具有较高的适用性:能有效促进学生学习态度的转变;产生了较好的教学效果;根据一年后的回访数据,这种教学方法在帮助学生维持CAT技能的同时,其学习过程中获取的主动学习的态度、沟通技巧、问题意识和解决问题的方法都在随后一年的实践中发挥了积极的作用。本研究对外语教学类实用研究具有一定的理论价值和实践指导意义。




List of Abbreviations
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background
l.l.1 Undesirable pedagogical gap in studies on CAT
1.1.2 PBL as a promising alternative teaching
1.2 Research questions and research design
1.3 Significance of this study
1.4 Structure of the thesis
Chapter Two CAT Teaching in Higher Education
An Overview
2.1 A sketch of CAT:concept and development
2.1.1 M-T and CAT
2.1.2 CAT,TTs and Information&Communications
2.1.3 A summary
2.2 CAT and translation competence
2.2.1 Theoretical efforts
2.2.2 Emph-ical efforts
2.2.3 A summary
2.3 CAT and translator education
2.3.1 CAT teaching:a brief history
2.3.2 CAT teaching:the status quo at universky level
2.4 CAT teaching in higher education:a pedagogical gap
2.4.1 A pedagogical gap in practice
2.4.2 A pedagogical gap in research
2.4.3 A summary
2.5 A promising innovative approach to CAT teaching PBL
2.5.1 Tlle constructivist turn in translation pedag
2.5.2 The best exemplar of constructivist pedagol PBL
2.6 A summary
Chapter Three The Research Design
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Research type
3.3 Research methodo1ogy
3.3.1 Research paradigm
3.3.2 Research procedures
3.3.3 Research methods
3.4 A summary
Chapter Four Building Theoretical Connections
4.1 Clarifying the concept of PBL
4.1.1 Identifying sources of confusion about PBI
4.1.2 Defining PBL for the current study
4.2 Understanding theoretal foundations of PBL
4.2.1 PBL with social constructivist view of
knowledge and learning
4.2.2 PBL as a socially situated cognitive
development process
4.3 Connecting PBL with CAT teaching in higher
4.3.1 The new social demands for the CAT COUD
4.3.2 Alignment between PBL and CAT teaching
4.4 A summary
Chapter Five The Designing Process
5.1 The instructional design framework for a PBL
approach tO CAT teaching
5.1.1 The framework building
5.1.2 Notes on the framework
5.2 The preliminary design
5.2.1 The context description and model selection
5.2.2 The CAT course design
5.2.3 The tutorial process
5.2.4 The scaffolding
5.2.5 The assessment design
5.3 A summary
Chapter Six Findings of the Preliminary Field Test
6.1 An overview
6.1.1 A few notes tO begin with
6.1.2 General description
6.2 Findings of the first level:reaction
6.2.1 Whouv positive reaction
6.2.2 EXpressed concerns
6.2.3 Suggestions for improvement
6.2.4 A summary
6.3 F-mdings of the second level:learning
6.3.1 Findings from the self-reported data
6.3.2 Findings from the factual data
6.4 Findings of the third 1evel:behaviour
6.4.1 F.mdings from the self-reported data
6.4.2 Findings from the factual data
6.5 A summary
Chapter Seven Discussion and Conclusions
7.1 The research questions revisited
7.1.1 PBL and attainment of the ILos
7.1.2 Pedagog~al implications
7.1.3 DirecticIns for future studies
7.2 Limitat:ioas of this study
7.3 ConclusioDS
Appendix 1 Participants and Grouping Information
Appendix 2 The Questionnaire of Open—ended Questions
Appendix 3 Student Individual Journal Template
Appendix 4 Student Group Study Record Template
Appendix 5 Classroom Observation Sheet
Appendix 6 Structure of the Dropbox Folder
Appendix 7 How tO Use the Dropbox Folder
Appendix 8 A Survey on Student Needs
Appendix 9 The Problems Design Matrix
Appendix 10 Tlle Second Problem(Full Version)
Appendix ll Sample Pages from the Brochure for Problem
Appendix 12 Sample Pages from the Brochure for Problem
Appendix 13 The Fourth Problem(Full Version)
