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Pediatrics in Chinese Medicine ,World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum(中医儿科学)

Pediatrics in Chinese Medicine ,World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum(中医儿科学)

定 价:¥198.00

作 者: 张伯礼,马融,韩新民 编
出版社: 中国中医药出版社
丛编项: 世界中医学专业核心课程教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787513251808 出版时间: 2018-09-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  《中医儿科学》 为“世界中医学专业核心课程教材”套书之一分册。该套教材包括《中医基础理论》《中医诊断学》《中药学》《方剂学》《中医内科学》《中医妇科学》《中医儿科学》《针灸学》《推拿学》《黄帝内经选读》《伤寒论选读》《金匮要略选读》《温病学》13分册,另配有《世界中医学专业核心课程教学大纲》1分册。丛书总主编为张伯礼院士和世界中医药学会联合会教育指导委员会。《中医儿科学》由马融教授和韩新民教授主编。本教材是在翻译、阅读国外多个国家出版的《中医儿科学》的基础上,与国内各版《中医儿科学》教材进行比较研究后,确定的编写大纲及计划,组织国内外17所院校20名专家编写而成。供世界各国家、地区中医教育机构接受中医学专业教育的海外学生,以及国内中医院校留学生使用,亦为双语教学的师生和广大中医爱好者的学习提供参考。其特点是:①突出国际性。在病种的选择、内容的编写及文字语言方面,力求通俗易懂,易译易学,满足国际学生学习的需求,适应国际应用的特点。②保持科学性、系统性、完整性。尤其在上篇,分中医儿科学学术源流、生理病理病因特点、生长发育与保健、临证概要4章内容,重点论述了儿科学的发展史和基础理论知识,彰显了中医药的优势及儿科特色,强调精品意识。③突出临床实用性。作为世界中医学专业的临床主干课程,强调理论与实践密切联系,编写内容切合临床实际,突出课程易学,临床好用,充分体现临床实用性特点。④教材的深度广度适宜,充分考虑国际学生的实际基础、学习特点和接受能力,不超过国内本科教材范围,以简单、好学、好用为主。总之,本教材力求取国内教材之长,保证中医儿科学理论体系的科学、系统及完整性;汲取国外教材之长,病种有别,语言简练,突出国际适应性;并强调临床实践性,以适应国际形势对中医儿科人才的需求。教材分上下篇系统阐述。上篇中医儿科学基础包括中医儿科学学术源流、生理病理病因特点、生长发育与保健、临证概要4章。下篇中医儿科学临床包括新生儿疾病、肺系病证、脾系病证、心肝系病证、肾系病症、传染病、皮肤疾病、五官疾病、其他病证9章。


  总主编:张伯礼,生于1948年,中国工程院院士,中医内科专家,全国名中医,国家重点学科中医内科学学科带头人。现任天津中医药大学校长,中国中医科学院名誉院长,国家重大新药专项技术副总师,国务院医改咨询专家委员会委员,教育部医学教育专家委员会副主任,中国药典委员会副主任委员,世界中医药学会联合会教育指导委员会会长。兼任中国中西医结合学会名誉会长、中华中医药学会副会长、中华医学会副会长、世界中医药学会联合会副主席。  几十年来,主要从事心脑血管疾病中西医结合防治和中医药现代化研究。开展血管性痴呆(VD)研究,制定了VD证类分型标准和按平台、波动及下滑三期证治方案;明确了中风病证候和先兆症动态演变规律,建立了综合治疗方案;创立了脑脊液药理学方法,揭示中药对神经细胞保护作用机制;完成了首例中药对冠心病二级预防大规模循证研究,建立了中医药循证评价系列方法。三次担任国家“973”计划项目首席科学家,提出效应配伍理论和以组分配伍研制现代中药的关键技术;开拓中成药二次开发研究领域,培育了中药大品种群;倡导中药智能制造推动了中药产业技术升级。获得包括国家科学技术进步一等奖在内的国家奖7项,省部级科学技术进步一等奖10项,发表论文350余篇,出版专著30余部。培养毕业研究生约260余名。所指导的3篇博士论文获全国百篇优秀博士论文,2篇获全国百篇优秀博士论文提名荣誉。学风严谨,富于创新,形成了采用现代科学技术研究中医药学的突出特色,取得一批重要成果,贡献突出,成绩卓著。1991年起享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。被授予全国优秀共产党员(2011)、全国先进工作者(2005)、全国优秀科技工作者(2001)、国家“ji”有突出贡献中青年专家(1991)等荣誉称号,获何梁何利奖(2006)、吴阶平医学奖(2015)及中医药国际贡献奖(2010)等荣誉。Dr. Zhang Bo-li is an academician and a China-renowned specialist and academic leader in Chinese internal medicine, a national key discipline (recognized as important and receiving support by the Chinese government). He is currently the President of the Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. He is also the Deputy Chief Engineer of the National Major Scientific and Technological Special Project for "Significant New Drugs Development", a member of the Medical Reform Advisory Committee of the State Council, Vice Committee Director of the Pharmacopoeia Committee, Director of the National Chinese Medicine Teaching Advisory Board of the Ministry of Education and Director of the Educational Instruction Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. Moreover, he holds concurrent posts such as Honorary President of the China Association of Integrative Medicine, Vice President of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Vice President of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. For decades, Dr. Zhang has been devoted to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases by integrating traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine, and to the modernization of Chinese medicine (CM). He carried out studies on vascular dementia (VD) and formulated the classification criteria for VD patterns and a treatment scheme based on three phases, i.e., stable, fluctuating and aggravated phases. He specified the patterns and manifestations of stroke as well as the dynamic progression of its premonitory symptoms, and developed a comprehensive therapeutic schedule. He created the pharmacological method of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and demonstrated the protective effect of Chinese medicinals on nerve cells and the relevant mechanisms. He completed the first large-scale evidence-based study on the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease with Chinese medicinals, and developed a series of methods for evidence-based evaluation on CM. He served as Chief Scientist of the National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Program) for three consecutive terms and developed the theory of effect-based compatibility as well as the critical technology for the research and development of modern Chinese medicinals through component-based compatibility. He expanded the research field of the secondary development of Chinese patent medicine which introduced a large group of mass market medicines, and initiated the intelligent manufacturing of Chinese medicinals which promoted the technological upgrading of CM industry. Dr. Zhang has won 7 national awards (including the first prize for national progress in science and technology) and 10 first-prize provincial and ministerial awards for progress in science and technology. He has published more than 350 papers and over 30 monographs or textbooks. He has mentored and cultivated more than 200 postgraduates. Dr. Zhang is widely recognized for his prominent contributions in advancing CM. Since 1991, he has been granted a special government allowance by the State Council. He has been conferred with many honorary titles and awards, including National Advanced Worker (2005), Outstanding Scientific and Technological Worker (2001) and National Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contribution (1991) as well as the Ho Leung Ho Lee Prize (2006), Wu Jie-ping Medical Research Award (2015) and International Award for Outstanding Contribution to Chinese Medicine (2010).世界中医药学会联合会教育指导委员会简介A Brief Introduction to the Educational Instruction Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies The Educational Instruction Committee (EIC) of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) is an international advisory, decision-making, and guiding institution concerning Chinese Medicine (CM) education under WFCMS. It carries out important work and research on international CM education, consultancy and coordination, and its headquarters are located in Tianjin, P. R. China (Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine). The secretariat is the standing office of EIC.The purposes of the EIC are to increase understanding between international regions and CM educational institutions, to advocate exchanges and cooperation within CM educational communities, to improve the level of CM education, and to promote the CM education industry, in order to make a greater contribution to world CM personnel training.The mission of the EIC is to generalize the standardization of international CM education; to promote and ensure a healthy and well-ordered development of CM education in various countries/regions according to the international industry standard of CM education released by WFCMS; and to convene international academic conferences, symposia and exhibitions.The mission also is to set up a website on international CM education and provide consultancies and information services; to construct a platform of international exchanges and advocate the unique features and domination of various countries/regions; to strengthen exchanges and cooperation among CM educational institutions from different countries/regions; to publish academic articles on CM education and research; to study the rules and experiences about CM education in respective countries/regions, to encourage CM educational reform and innovations, and to study international CM education.In order to improve CM education in the world, the EIC organizes international CM education training, teacher training, teacher exchanges, further education, and remote education. It actively cooperates with relevant departments of WFCMS in level examinations and qualification approvals.EIC commits itself to promote international exchanges and development of CM education, to improve global CM personnel training, and to accelerate the spread and development of CM sciences in the world.主编:马融,医学博士、博士生导师、教授、主任医师。先后获得“全国卫生系统先进工作者”、“国务院政府特殊津贴专家”、天津市政府授衔“中医小儿神经内科专家”等称号。


上  篇  中医儿科学基础
章  中医儿科学学术源流   
节 古代中医儿科学发展概况
第二节  现代中医儿科学发展成就
第二章  生理病理病因特点
节  生理特点
第二节 病理特点
第三节  病因特点
第三章  生长发育与保健
节  年龄分期
第二节  生长发育
第三节  儿童保健
第四章  临证概要
节  诊法概要
第二节  辨证概要
第三节  治疗概要
下  篇  中医儿科学临床
第五章  新生儿疾病
节  新生儿黄疸
第二节  脐部疾患
第六章  肺系病证
节  感冒
第二节  咳嗽
第三节  肺炎喘嗽
第四节  哮喘
第五节  反复呼吸道感染
第七章  脾系病证
节  呕吐
第二节  泄泻
第三节  便秘
第四节  腹痛
第五节  厌食
第六节  积滞
第七节  疳证
第八章  心肝系病证
节  夜啼
第二节  病毒性心肌炎
第三节  儿童多动症
第四节  儿童抽动症
第五节  自闭症
第六节  惊风
第七节  癫痫
第九章  肾系病证
节  尿频
第二节  遗尿
第三节  水肿
第四节  血尿
第五节  五迟五软
第十章  传染病
节  麻疹
第二节  风疹
第三节  猩红热
第四节  水痘
第五节  手足口病
第六节  流行性腮腺炎
第七节  百日咳
第十一章  皮肤疾病
节  脓疱疮
第二节  荨麻疹
第三节  尿布疹
第四节  湿疹
第五节  乳痂
第六节  接触性皮炎
第十二章  五官疾病
节  鹅口疮
第二节  口疮
第三节  乳蛾
第四节  过敏性鼻炎
第五节  结膜炎
第十三章  其他病证
节  发热
第二节  川崎病
第三节  传染性单核细胞增多症
第四节  幼年特发性关节炎
第五节  紫癜
第六节  性早熟
第七节  小儿肥胖症
第八节  汗证
第九节  维生素D缺乏性佝偻病
附  篇 
