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作 者: 马昌喜,赵永鹏,王超,焦俞端 著
出版社: 西南交通大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787564384227 出版时间: 2022-06-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Since the reform and opening up,road passenger transport industry in China has been developed rapidly,which greatly facilitates the people travelling,and powerfully promotes economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation,as well as providing a good transportation atmosphere for the national economy and social development. However,at the same time,we should also be aware that there are still many contradictions and problems in rural passenger transport.Cultivating and developing rural passenger transport is of great significance for improving the structural adjustment of the road transport industry and achieving great-leap-forward development. In recent years,with rapid development of Chinas national economic construction,the development of rural passenger transport market is becoming more and more prosperous. However,due to the peculiarities of rural passenger transport and the natural geography of rural areas,coupled with a series of reasons,such as the backwardness of rural road infrastructure,the variety of operating vehicles and vehicle models,the lack of scientific transport organization and management,etc.,the rural passenger transport market reveals a low utilization rate of vehicles,high empty driving rate,unsaturated passenger sources,and large difference between "hot and cold" lines,thus leading to the "scattered,chaotic,mixed,small" performance phenomenon,and low security.Therefore,how to speed up the construction of rural roads and improve the level of passenger transport on rural roads is a urgently required topic.




Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Literature review
1.3 Summary
1.4 References
Chapter 2 Development trend of rural passenger transport
2.1 Related concepts
2.2 The current situation of rural passenger transport development
2.3 Problems in the development of rural passenger transport
2.4 Rural passenger transport development policy guidance
2.5 Development trend of rural passenger transport in the new period
2.6 Conclusions of this chapter
2.7 References
Chapter 3 Rural passenger flow analysis
3.1 Source of passenger flow
3.2 Characteristics of rural passenger transport
3.3 Analysis on the influencing factors of rural passenger transport
3.4 Travel characteristics of rural residents
3.5 Passenger flow distribution characteristics of rural passenger transport lines
3.6 Importance of passenger flow collection and distribution points on rural passenger transport lines
3.7 Summary
3.8 References
Chapter 4 Research on the planning and layout methods of rural passenger station
4.1 Planning andlayout principles ofruralpassenger transport stations
4.2 Hierarchy and classification ofrural passenger transport stations
4.3 Site layout method
4.4 Summary
4.5 References
Chapter 5 Research on the capacity allocation of rural passenger transport system
5.1 Rural passenger transport operation mode
5.2 Analysis of influencing factors of rural passenger transport capacity
5.3 Vehicle model allocation
5.4 General Principles for Allocation of Ruml Passenger Transport Capacity
5.5 Basic steps of rural passenger transport capacity allocation
5.6 Research on the capacity allocation scale of rural passenger transport system
5.7 Research on the allocation of the demand-responsive rural passenger transport capacity
5.8 Genetic algorithm
5.9 Chapter summary
5.10 References
Chapter 6 Case study on demand-responsive rural passenger transport capacity in the Hui autonomous prefecture of Linxia
Chapter 7 Demand-responsive routing optimization model and algorithm for rural assenger vehicles
Chapter 8 Robust optimization model and algorithm for demand-responsive rural assenger vehicles
