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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理经济各行业经济绿色制造:中国制造业未来崛起之路(英文版)



定 价:¥69.00

作 者: 赵建军 著,何姗,胥瑾,曾苹 译
出版社: 经济科学出版社
丛编项: 《中国道路》丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787521835595 出版时间: 2022-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 464 字数:  




  何姗 西南石油大学外国语学院副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向英汉互译理论与实践、计算机辅助翻译。从事英语教学30多年,翻译、译审工作10年以上。著作及论文有《新世界交互英语视听说2》《建构主义翻译学视角下的中国特色词翻译——以的中国特色词为例》《基于文本分析模式的公示语翻译研究——以三星堆遗址的公示语为例》《从心所欲不逾矩——从译者主体看的两个英译本》《的两个英译本比较——从伽达默尔的阐释学角度》《商务英语时文选读》等。


Chapter 1 The Rise of China's Green Manufacturing Industry
1.1 The green manufacturing orientation
1.2 What is green manufacturing
1.3 Strengthening China's green manufacturing industry: an urgent need
Chapter 2 The New Normal of Economic Growth and the Dramatic Change in Manufacturing Industry
2.1 A quality-improvement and upgrading stage of the world economy
2.2 The role of green manufacturing in world economy transformation
2.3 The transformation of China's manufacturing industry from tradition to green
Chapter 3 The Core and Basic Elements of Green Manufacturing System
3.1 Design ideas: the core of the green manufacturing
3.2 Basic elements of green manufacturing system
3.3 Integrated development of green design and traditional manufacturing
Chapter 4 The Internal Motivation of Green Transformation
4.1 The rise of green values
4.2 The transformation of production, life, and ways of thinking
Chapter 5 Practical Exploration of Green Manufacturing in China
5.1 The vision for the development of China's manufacturing industry
5.2 The lessons learned in green manufacturing
5.3 Successful examples of green manufacturing in China
Chapter 6 China's Green Manufacturing: A Tough Work Ahead
6.1 Challenges to and opportunities for China's manufacturing industry
6.2 China's confidence in green manufacturing
6.3 Strategic response to promoting green manufacturing in China
