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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科政治中国政治中国共产党读本(英)



定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 周国才 著
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 中国共产党丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508542577 出版时间: 2022-06-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  Over the past 100 years, the cPC has grownfrom small to big, from weak to strong, and from naive to mature. Due to itscontinuous development, the CPC, which started with about 50 members in thevery beginning, has become a large political Party with more than 96 millionmembers and a 70-odd-year experience in governing China.Throughout these 100 years, the CPC hasgone through a lot of trials and hardships and has remained unshakable andbecome even firmer and more vigorous as time has gone by.


  周国才,1959年10月生于江苏扬州宝应,火箭军指挥学院政治系、西安政治学院法律系毕业,硕士研究生学历。1978年3月入伍,历任战士、文书、排长、书记、干事、副政治教导员、政治教导员、火箭军政治部处长、某试验训练基地副政委等职。现任职于火箭军机关,大校军衔。著有《浩气人生》《扭曲的灵魂》《灯下信笔探新闻》《一腐必败》《共产党人的旗帜——“军中焦裕禄”杨业功》《中国共产党党的建设与反腐败》等,其撰写的通讯、特写、工作经验多次被新华社、《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《解放军报》、《科技日报》、《中国纪检监察报》刊用,《时代先锋》一文曾获中央纪委、中央宣传部组织的“第四届党风廉政建设好新闻奖”一等奖;《共产党人的旗帜》一书被中央组织部、原国家新闻出版广电总局、国家图书馆评为“第三届全国党员教育培训优秀教材”,并参加全国优秀图书展示交流活动,还有一些作品获军委政治工作部一二三等奖。Mr.Zhou Guocai, born in October 1959 in Baoying County, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, successively graduated from the Politics Department of the Rocket Army Command College and the Law Department of Xi'an Politics College with a master's degree. Mr.Zhou joined the PLA in March 1978 and has successively served as a soldier, a clerk, a platoon commander,a secretary, an officer, a deputy political instructor,a political instructor, the director of the Rocket Army Political Department, and a deputy political commissar of an experimental training base. Currently, Mr.Zhou still serves in the Rocket Army. His writings include:Noble Spirit, Twisted Soul, Writing Freely about the News, Corruption Leads to Defeat, The Banner of Communists-Yang Yegong, Known as Jiao Yulu in the PLA, etc. Many of his works have been published by Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, PLA Daily, Science and Technology Daily, and China Discipline Inspection Daily. His article, Pioneer of the Era, won the first prize of the 4th Good News Story Award on the Drive to Improve Party Conduct and Uphold Integrity, which was organized by the CCDI and the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee. His book The Banner of Communists was rated as The Excellent Teaching Material for Party Member Education at the 3rd session of this rating actfvity, which was organized by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film,and Television, and the national library, and was recommended to the national excellent book exhibition and exchange activities. Some of his other works won the first, second, and third prizes of the Political Work Department of the CMC.

