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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理经济中国经济果业减贫惠农:中国经验



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作 者: 农业农村部对外经济合作中心,农业农村部乡村产业发展司 编,李荣 译
出版社: 商务印书馆
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787100216746 出版时间: 2022-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 399 字数:  


  China is active in global poverty reduction govemance and firmly supports international exchanges and cooperation on poverty reduction.Based on its own national conditions,China has explored and implemented poverty reduction strategies with Chinese characteristics.Among various agricultural industries,the fruit industry has provided strong industrial support for China's elimination of absolute poverty.On the basis of 35 typical cases,this book aims to share China's practice in poverty reduction thxough the kuit industry,put forward the Chinese approach and contribute Chinese wisdom to international poverty reduction.




Chapter One Market Discipline-Based Practice
New Development of Fruit Industryin the Town of Pears
-Huangguan Peat Industryin Xinji City,Hebei Province
Goldenberry Paves a Road to Prosperity
-Goldenberry Industry in Da'an City,Jilin Province
Achieving Prosperity through the Fruit Industry
-Fruit Industry in Yishui County,Shandong Province
Figs Make Farmers Rich
-Fig Industryin Artux County,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Little Mangoes Become Big Brands
-Mango Industryin Tiandong County,Baise City,Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region
Wushan's Plum Industry Boosts Poverty Alleviation through
Industrial Development
-Plum Industryin Wushan County,Chongqing
Orchard Trusteeship Becomes a New Way for Poverty Reduction
through the Fruit Industry
-Apple Industry in Baishui County,Shaanxi Province
Chapter Two Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains Are Invaluable Assets
Forestry and Fruit Industry Paves a Road of Ecological Poverty Alleviation
-Forestry and Fruit Industry in Linxi County,Inner Mongolia
Autonomous Region
Thriving Fruit Industry
-Fruit Industry in Mengyin County,Shandong Province
The Chinese Jujube Industry Boosts Rural Development
-Chinese Jujube Industry in Wangshuangzhi Village,Laoling County,
Shandong Province
Rapid Advance of the Burr Rose Fruit Industry
-Burr Rose Fruit Industry in Guiding County,Guizhou Province
Rural Development Is Highlighted by Citrus
-Citrus Industry in Xinping Yi-Dai Autonomous County,
Yunnan Province
Chapter Three Focus on People's Independent Development
Chapter Four Inclusiveness and Resilience
Chapter Five Power of Partnership
