“地图上的中国”系列图书利用地图作为讲述中国故事的载体,通过地图搭载丰富的中国历史文化、自然地理、当代发展等内容,同时在纸质图书基础上开发可视听化的电子读物,达成融合传播效果,帮助广大海内外读者更好地了解中国。 本书从“锦绣大地”“动物王国”“植物世界”三个角度,图文并茂地介绍了中国的地理概貌和动植物资源。 The China on the Map series uses the map as a carrier to tell stories about China. China’s history, culture, geography and contemporary development are illustrated through the map. Also, electronic A/V books are developed based on their paper counterparts to achieve integrated communication and help readers at home and abroad better understand China. Beautiful Home outlines China's geography and wildlife resources through three sections : Beautiful Land, Animal Kingdom and Plants are Friends. The book is rich in content, easy and interesting to follow, and combines professionalism with popularity.