导 论
第一章 开拓马克思主义政治经济学新境界——习近平经济思想的鲜明特征
1.1 守正创新:为新时代经济工作提供根本遵循
1.2 鲜明特征:认识理解习近平经济思想的钥匙
第二章 以高质量发展全面推进中国式现代化——习近平经济思想的实践方略
2.1 以新发展阶段锚定发展新方位
2.2 以新发展理念引领高质量发展
2.3 以新发展格局重塑发展新优势
2.4 以深化改革开放激活发展动力
2.5 以重大国家战略开辟发展空间
2.6 以统筹发展和安全把握主动权
第三章 经济治理现代化的中国智慧——习近平经济思想的科学方法
3.1 把握好稳和进的关系——稳中求进 以进固稳
3.2 把握好危和机的关系——危中寻机 化危为机
3.3 把握好供和需的关系——相互促进 动态平衡
3.4 把握好内和外的关系——联通内外 畅通循环
3.5 把握好破和立的关系——统筹谋划 先立后破
3.6 把握好远和近的关系——立足当前 着眼长远
第四章 回答全球经济发展之问——习近平经济思想的世界意义
4.1 坚持发展优先,为缩小全球鸿沟贡献中国力量
4.2 坚持互利共赢,为推动开放合作共享中国方案
4.3 坚持命运与共,为完善全球治理提供中国理念
第五章 探源:习近平在地方的经济治理故事
结 语
Introduction (英文目录可根据需求选用)
Chapter 1 Opening New Horizons of Marxist Political Economy
— Distinctive Features of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought
1.1 Upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground: To provide fundamental guidelines for economic work in the new era
1.2 Distinct characteristics: keys to learning and understanding Xi Jinping's economic thought
Social well-being—economics that seeks a better life for Chinese people
Solid underpinning—economics that lays a stronger material foundation for national rejuvenation
Strong effectiveness—economics that upholds socialist market economy in new era
Sound Coordination—economics that brings peace and tranquility for future generations
Shared future—economics that pursues common prosperity and universal harmony
Chapter 2 Comprehensively Promoting a Chinese Path to Modernization with High-quality Development
— The Implementation Strategy of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought
2.1 Anchoring new development orientation with new development stage
2.2 Leading high-quality development with new development philosophy
2.3 Reshaping new development strengths with new development pattern
2.4 Unleashing the driving force for development with the deepening of reform and opening up
2.5 Implementing major national strategies to expand development space
2.6 Seizing initiative by coordinating development and security
Chapter 3 Applying Chinese Wisdom in Economic Governance Modernization
— Scientific Method of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought
3.1 Handle well the relationship between stability and progress — Pursuing progress while ensuring stability, and securing stability with progress
3.2 Handle well the relationship between crises and opportunities — Seek opportunities in crises and turn crises into opportunities
3.3 Handle well the relationship between supply and demand — Mutual promotion, dynamic balance
3.4 Handle well the relationship between the internal and the external — Linking domestic and international markets and smoothing the dual circulation
3.5 Handle well the relationship between making and breaking — Bringing in the new before discarding the old through coordinated planning
3.6 Handle well the relationship between the long term and the short term — Building on the present and setting sights on the future
Chapter 4 Providing Answers to Questions About Global Economic Development
— Global Significance of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought
4.1 Stay committed to development as a priority and contribute strength to narrowing the global development gap
4.2 Adhere to mutual benefit and win-win principle, and share China's solution for promoting opening-up and cooperation
4.3 Pursue a shared future and provide Chinese ideas for improving global governance
Chapter 5 Exploring the Origin
— Xi Jinping's Stories of Economic Governance While Working as Local Official
5.1 Xi Jinping in Zhengding
5.2 Xi Jinping in Fujian
5.3 Xi Jinping in Zhejiang
5.4 Xi Jinping in Shanghai