Preface: The Six Sigma Phenomenon
1. Why Six Sigma?
2. The Yellow Brick Road
3. Being Better Is Cheaper
One Company's Experience:General Electric 2000
4. Benchmarking: Discovering Who Is Really Best
5. Changing What Companies Measure: A Six Sigma Credo
6. Unmasking the Hidden Factory
One Companys's Expreience:Polaroid Flashes Back
7. The Breakthrough Strategy
8. Measuring Performance on the Sigma Scale
One Companys's Experience:How General Electric Unsed Six Sigma to Desing a Multimillion-Dollar Product
9. Implementation and Deployment
10. The Six Sigma Players:Champions, Master Black Belt Black Belts, and Green
11. Six Sigma Black Belts
One Companys's Experience:Alliedsignal's Jorney to six sigma
12. Six Sigma and the Service Industry