1. CRM and Brand Value
2. CRM Explained
BARCLAYS BANK: Getting personal
PaN PACIFIC HOTEL: Reading customers' minds
SMALL BUSINESS SERVICE BUREAU: Pushing power to the point of interaction
BENEFICIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY: Getting a single view of the customer
3. Brand-building Benefits of CRM
MERCEDES-BENZ: Design and launch of the new "M" class off-roader
BRITISH AIRWAYS: Building brand loyalty with CRM
4. Organizing for Brand Management and CRM
SONY (INDIA): Case history
Internal CRM in a retail store
5. Building Brand Value through Customer Profitability
THE CONCOURSE SECURITIES CO.: Understanding your customer base
6. Implementation Strategy
EXABYTE CORPORATION: Faster response to customer orders
TESCO PLC: Building brand leadership with CRM
BOOTS THE CHEMIST: World-class CRM in action
7. Making Your Brand More Customer-focused
EON, MALAYSIA: Brand repositioning in the motor industry
8. Final Steps and Touches
PROVISIONSHOP/NESTLE: Business-to-business CRM
9. New Media: The Challenges for Branding and CRM
CARPHONE WAREHOUSE: Extending the Brand Experience via the Web
FORD UK: Creating a Seamless Brand Experience
ist4me plc: Hi/thch hi/touch Branding on the Internet
SONY (AUSTRALIA): Launching a New Product on the Internet
10. Romancing Your Customer: Are You Ready?