Foreword by Kevin Roberts
Backstory: One Million Ideas
Introduction: In Search of Elegance
1 The Art of Ingenuity
Business meets art and science in an emerging view of work.
2 The Pursuit of Perfection
Conventional wisdom forcing a choice between small steps and big leaps misses the point.
3 The Rhythm of Fit
What distinguishes great innovation is its ability to serve the changing needs of society.
4 Let Learning Lead
Learning and innovation go hand in hand, but learning comes first.
5 Learn to See
Elegant solutions come come from customers-- get out more and live in their world.
6 Design for Today
Focus on clear and present needs, or your great ideas remain just that.
7 Think in Pictures
Make your intentions visual--you'll surprise yourself with the image.
8 Capture the Intangible
The most compelling solutions are often perceptual and emotional.
9 Leverage the Limits
Restraining forces rule resource constraints can spur ingenuity.
10 Master the Tension
Breakthrough thinking demands something to break through.
11 Run the Numbers
Think for yourself--temper instinct with insight, focus on facts, and do the math.
12 Make Kaizen Mandatory
Pursuing pecection requires great discipline-- create a standard, follow it, and flnd a better way.
13 Keep It Lean
Complexity kills scale it back, make it simple,and let it flow.
14 The Clamshell Strategy
Management plays a key role in releasing the power of front-line innovation.
15 The Elegant Solution
A team in pursuit of the elegant solution taps the full formula in one session.
Afterword--Words of Encouragement
Notes & Credits