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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理经济财政、金融金融/银行/投资交易大突破:相关分析的创新思维



定 价:¥225.55

作 者: Leon Wilson 编
出版社: 暂缺
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780731404421 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Leon Wilson has been trading shares for a living for 11 years. He firmly believes that to succeed in any business it is necessary to always be looking for a better way of doing things. Part of his trading approach is to question conventional wisdom and push the boundaries of accepted technical analysis theory. The contents of this fascinating new book reveal a major breakthrough in technical analysis. He tests the edge that this new charting analysis can offer any serious trader—and the results are astounding.In what he believes to be a world-first, Wilson has succeeded in adapting common and popular indicators (including volume) to price action. Instead of viewing a non-price based indicator such as the relative strength indicator in a separate box at the bottom of the chart Wilson explains how it can be plotted as a channel on price action—creating the Wilson channel. Moving beyond default settings and combining the channels with various entry and exit strategies, Breakthrough Trading can dramatically improve your yearly returns.


  Leon Wilson is a very successful private trader. Residing in Tasmania with his wife and two sons, he publishes a weekly trading newsletter . Author of The Business of Share Trading and The Next Step to Share Trading Success, Leon


Chapter 1 Appraising, theory
Chapter 2 Index regression
Chapter 3 The emergence of relative adaptive anatysis
Chapter 4 The final frontier (well, almost)
Chapter 5 All things relative
Chapter 6 Mingle with the crowd
Chapter 7 Compatibility
Chapter 8 Confirmation
Chapter 9 Bitateral relationships
Chapter 1O Pelative trailingstops - part one
Chapter 11 Ptelative stops - part two
Chapter 12 Trailingstops and price channels
Chapter13 Takingthe next step
