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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科政治中国政治中国制度:新时代中国治理(英)



定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 徐斌 著
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787119128009 出版时间: 2022-03-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 216 字数:  






Chapter One Leadership Core: The CPC's Leadership System
Staying True to Our Founding Mission
Safeguarding the Party’s Centralized Leadership in All Areas
Governing for the People and by the People
Governing the Party with Strict Discipline
Chapter Two Political Governance: Upholding and Developing Socialist Democratic Politics
The People Are the Masters of the Country
Promoting Harmonious Relationship Between Political Parties
Common Prosperity for All Ethnic Groups
Stimulating the Vitality of Grassroots Communities
Chapter Three The Economy: Upholding and Improving the Economic System
Adapting to and Leading the New Normal
Sharing the Fruits of Economic Growth
Stimulating the Economy
Facilitating an Open Economy with Win-Win Cooperation
Chapter Four The Civilization: Improving the Cultural System
Upholding the Guiding Role of Marxism
Guiding Social Mores with Core Socialist Values
Enhancing National Identity with the Chinese Spirit
Creating New Heights of the Chinese Culture
Chapter Five Social Governance: Upholding and Improving the Social System
Securing a Decisive Victory over Poverty
Improving the Social Security System
Building a Quality Employment System
Chapter Six Ecological Governance: Improving the System for a Sound Eco-Environment
Green Mountains and Clear Waters Are Invaluable Assets
Establishing a Mechanism for Efficient Use of Resources
Improving Ecological Protection and Restoration Mechanisms
Enforcing Accountability for Ecological Protection
