About the Contributors
A Superlative Task
PART ON E Create Collaborative Client Relationships
ON E The Big Picture: Creating an Ongoing Client Relationship
Nadine Bell, Susan Nurre
TWO The Skilled Facilitator Approach
Roger Schwarz
THREE Facilitation: Beyond Methods
David Wayne
PART TWO Plan Appropriate Group Processes
FOUR Eight Ps of Effective Facilitation Planning and Preparation
Jeff Bracken
FIVE The Architecture of Participation
Patricia Tuecke
SiX Building Trust: The Great Enabler
Maria Begofia Rodas-Meeker, Larry Meeker
SEVEN Facilitation of Group Brainstorming
Paul B. Paulus, Toshihiko Nakui
EIGHT Promoting Mutual Understanding for
Effective Collaboration in Cross-Functional Groups with Multiple Stakeholders
Sam Kaner
N IN E A Procedural Analysis of Group Facilitation:
A Communication Perspective loe Chilberg
PART THREE Create and Sustain a Participatory Environment
TEN Graphic Facilitation: The Art of Drawing Out the
Best in People
David Sibbet
ELEVEN Creating a Positive Participatory Climate:
A Meaning-Centered Counseling Perspective
Paul T. P.
TWELVE HOW to Build a Collaborative Environment
David Straus