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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络软件与程序设计BASIC/VB及其相关专家一对一Visual Basic 2005设计与开发

专家一对一Visual Basic 2005设计与开发

专家一对一Visual Basic 2005设计与开发

定 价:¥361.00

作 者: Rod Stephens 著
出版社: John Wiley & Sons
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780470053416 出版时间: 2007-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Are you ready to take your applications to the next level by harnessing all of Visual Basic 2005's unmatched tools for programming, debugging, and refactoring code? In this hands-on book, I'll share with you proven techniques for developing even the most complex Visual Basic applications. I include expert tips on modeling, user interface design, and testing so that you can master the advanced features of this language.I'll first take you through the design activities that are necessary before Visual Basic development can begin. Next I'll describe the various writing tools that you'll be able to use to make programming easier and less error-prone. I then focus on various ways to make writing code more effective and cover sophisticated techniques for handling particular tasks. This approach will help you quickly develop and maintain your own amazingly powerful applications.作者简介:Rod Stephens started out as a mathematician but, while studying at MIT, discovered the joys of programming, and has been programming professionally ever since. During his career, he has worked on an eclectic assortment of applications in such fields as telephone switching, billing, repair dispatching, tax processing, wastewater treatment, and training for professional football players.Stephens has written 15 books that have been translated into half a dozen different languages, and more than 200 magazine articles covering Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications, Delphi, and Java. He writes three weekly newsletters (www.vb-helper.com/newsletter.html) that contain quick tips, tricks, and examples for Visual Basic developers.His popular VB Helper Web site (www.vb-helper.com) receives several million hits per month, and contains thousands of pages of tips, tricks, and example code for Visual Basic programmers, as well as example code for this book.


暂缺《专家一对一Visual Basic 2005设计与开发》作者简介


Part Ⅰ: Design
Chapter 1: Language Selection
Chapter 2: Lifecycle Methodologies
Chapter 3: Agile Methodologies
Chapter 4: Object-Oriented Design
Chapter 5: User-Interface Design
Chapter 6: Data Storage Design
Chapter 7: Design Patterns
Part Ⅱ: Meta-Development
Chapter 8: Snippets, Macros, and Add-ins
Chapter 9: Scripting
Chapter 10: Custom Controls and Components
Chapter 11: Property Support
Chapter 12: Attributes and XML Comments
Part Ⅲ: Development
Chapter 13: Documentation
Chapter 14: Development Philosophy
Chapter 15: Coding Standards
Chapter 16: Bug Proofing
Chapter 17: Testing
Chapter 18: Deployment
Part Ⅳ: Specific Techniques
Chapter 19: Splash Screens
Chapter 20: Printing
Chapter 21: Threading
Chapter 22: Reflection
Chapter 23: Memory Management
