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定 价:¥271.00

作 者: Erik Guilfoyle 著
出版社: John Wiley & Sons
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780470096314 出版时间: 2007-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  How cool would it be to build your own levels and customized weapons for Half-Life 2? This book will get you ready to mod so you can enjoy the ultimate gaming experience. You'll find out how to create your own maps, strategically place high-tech military equipment, and modify your levels for smoother play. 作者简介:Erik Guilfoyle is the originator and manager of the game-modding Web site www.modsonline.com, as well as vice president of Tres Inc., specializing in 3D modeling, animation, and motion graphics.




Part Ⅰ: The ABCs of Modding.
Chapter 1: Modifying the Game.
Chapter 2: Getting Familiar with Modding Tools and Techniques.
Chapter 3: Breaking Down the Game.
Part Ⅱ: Making Your Own Maps.
Chapter 4: Getting Set Up for Mapping.
Chapter 5: Creating Your First Game Map.
Chapter 6: Decorating the Scene.
Chapter 7: Adding Lights and a Player.
Chapter 8: Putting the Pieces Together.
Part Ⅲ: Expanding on Your Creation.
Chapter 9: Expanding Your Map with Additions.
Chapter 10: Building with Optimization in Mind.
Chapter 11: Heading to the Great Outdoors.
Chapter 12: Adding a Few Details.
Part Ⅳ: Going Beyond the Basics.
Chapter 13: Creating Custom Textures.
Chapter 14: Finishing Up Your Map.
Chapter 15: Showing the World.
Part Ⅴ: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 16: Ten Great Tips and Tricks.
Chapter 17: Ten Great Mods to Learn From.
Appendix: CD Installation Instructions.
