Invited Presentation
QoS for Multimedia - What's Going to Make It Pay?
Short Papers
New Resource Control Issues in Shared Clusters
Transport-Level Protocol Coordination in Cluster-to-Cluster Applications
Data to the People - It's a Matter of Control
An Access Control Architecture for Metropolitan Area Wireless Networks ..
Media Distribution
Design and Implementation of a QoS-Aware Replication Mechanism for a Distributed Multimedia
Distribution of Video-on-Demand in Residential Networks
A QoS Negotiation Scheme for Efficient Failure Recovery in Multi-resolution Video Servers
QoS Issues in Multimedia
Tolerance of Highly Degraded Network Conditions for an H.323-Based VolP Service
Conception, Implementation, and Evaluation of a QoS-Based Architecture for an IP Environment
Supporting Differentiated Services
A Service Differentiation Scheme for the End-System
Invited Presentation
Enabling the Internet to Provide Multimedia Services
Multimedia Middleware
Design and Application of TOAST: An Adaptive Distributed Multimedia Middleware Platform
QoS Management Middleware: A Separable, Reusable Solution
State Transmission Mechanisms for a Collaborative Virtual Environment Middleware Platform
Congestion Control and Adaptation
A Stable and Flexible TCP-Friendly Congestion Control Protocol for Layered Multicast
Content-Aware Quality Adaptation for IP Sessions with Multiple Streams
The Minimal Buffering Requirements of Congestion Controlled Interactive Multimedia Applications
Short Papers
Invited Pressntation
Control of Multimedia Networks
Author Index