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Quake Mods游戏手册

Quake Mods游戏手册

定 价:¥271.00

作 者: Erik Guilfoyle 著
出版社: John Wiley & Sons
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780470037461 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Create your own levels and game mods Build single- and multi-player levels, add *s, and share your mods Ever wonder what Quake 4 would be like if it included that especially cool weapon you dreamed up? Here's the fun and easy way® to find out. Start by creating a basic level, and then discover how to include your own weapons and effects, change colors, add textures, and send your creations out into the world. Everything you need to get started —Adobe® Photoshop® Elements tryout version WinZip® evaluation version The Compressonator and NormalGapGenerator by ATI Technologies, Inc.Sample tools, textures, and examples from the bookFor details and complete system requirements, see the CD-ROM appendix.Discover how to Work with various modding tools Develop a map Alter user interfaces Paint and decorate your level Script advanced actions Distribute your creations online


  Erik Guilfoyle is the originator and manager of the game-modding Web site www.modsonline.com, as well as vice president of a company specializing in 3D modeling, animation, and motion graphics.


Part I: The ABCs of Modding
 Chapter 1: Modifying the Game
 Chapter 2: Getting Familiar with Modding Tools and Techniques
 Chapter 3: Breaking Down the Game
Part II: Making Your Own Maps
 Chapter 4: Getting Set Up for Mapping
 Chapter 5: Creating Your First Game Map
 Chapter 6: Decorating the Scene
 Chapter 7: Adding Lights and a Player
 Chapter 8: Putting the Pieces Together
Part III: Expanding Your Creation
 Chapter 9: Expanding Your Map with Additions
 Chapter 10: Building with Optimization in Mind
 Chapter 11: Heading to the Great Outdoors
 Chapter 12: Adding a Few Details
 Chapter 13: Playing Alone or with Someone Else
Part IV: Going Beyond the Basics
 Chapter 14: Scripting Advanced Actions
 Chapter 15: Creating Custom Textures
 Chapter 16: Gaming with GUIs
 Chapter 17: Separating Your Files
 Chapter 18: Re-Skinning the Models
 Chapter 19: Showing the World
Part V: The Part of Tens
 Chapter 20: Ten Great Tips and Tricks
 Chapter 21:Ten Great Mods
