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计算机与信息科学 - ISCIS 2006/会议录LNCS-4263

计算机与信息科学 - ISCIS 2006/会议录LNCS-4263

定 价:¥1175.20

作 者: Albert Levi 著
出版社: 湖南文艺出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540472421 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS 2006, held in Istanbul, Turkey in October 2006.The 106 revised full papers presented together with 5 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 606 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on algorithms and theory, bioinformatics, computational intelligence, computer architecture, computer graphics, computer networks, computer vision, data mining, databases, embedded systems, information retrieval, mobile computing, parallel and distributed computing, performance evaluation, security and cryptography, as well as software engineering.


暂缺《计算机与信息科学 - ISCIS 2006/会议录LNCS-4263》作者简介


Invited Papers and Talks
 Analysis of Automated Auctions
 Advanced Mixed Reality Technologies for Surveillance and Risk Prevention Application
 Requirements Engineering as a Key to Holistic Software Quality
Invited Talks
 Problems and Challenges of Image-Guided Neurosurgical Navigation and Intervention
 Information and Communication Technologies in the EU's Seventh Framework Programme
Algorithms and Theory
 The Greedy Prepend Algorithm for Decision List Induction
 Heuristics for Minimum Brauer Chain Problem
 Dispatching Rules for Allocation of Component Types to Machines in the Automated Assembly of Printed Circuit Boards
 Heuristic Approach to Schedule Crew for a Regional Airline
 Automatic Segmentation of the Liver in CT Images Using a Model of Approximate Contour
 Unambiguous 3D Measurements by a Multi-period Phase Shift Method
 Hybrid Techniques for Dynamic Optimization Problems
 Minimizing the Search Space for Shape Retrieval Algorithms
 Decision Support for Packing in Warehouses
 A Fast Partial Distortion Elimination Algorithm Using Selective Matching Scan
 Variable Neighborhood Search for the Orienteering Problem :
Extracting Gene Regulation Information from Microarray Time-Series Data Using Hidden Markov Models
Asymptotical Lower Limits on Required Number of Examples for Learning Boolean Networks
Modified Association Rule Mining Approach for the MHC-Peptide Binding Problem
Prediction and Classification for GPCR Sequences Based on Ligand Specific Features
Computational Intelligence
Compurer Architecture
Computer Graphics
Computer Networks
Computer Vision
Data Mining
Embedded Systems
Information Retrieval
Mobile Computing
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Performance Evaluation
Security and Cryptography
Software Engineering
Author Index
