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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络软件工程及软件方法学系统可靠性:软件、计算、网络LNCS-4028



定 价:¥542.40

作 者: Jürg Kohlas  著
出版社: 崇文书局(原湖北辞书出版社)
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540368212 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Modern civilization relies on a functioning information infrastructure. As a result, dependability has become a central issue in all disciplines of systems engineering and software architecture.Theories, methods and tools that help to master the problems encountered in the design process and the management of operations are therefore of utmost importance for the future of information and communication technology.The present volume documents the results of a research program on Dependable Information and Communication Systems (DICS). The members of the project met in two workshops organized by the Hasler Foundation. This state-of-the-art survey contains 3 overview articles identifying major issues of dependability and presenting the latest solutions, as well as 10 carefully selected and revised papers depicting the research results originating from those workshops. The first workshop took place in Münchenwiler, Switzerland, in March 2004, and the second workshop, which marked the conclusion of the projects, in Löwenberg, Switzerland, in October 2005. The papers are organized in topical sections on surveys, dependable software, dependable computing, and dependable networks.




Part I: Surveys
 Dependable Software
 Dependable Systems
 Survey on Dependable IP over Fiber Networks
Part II: Dependable Software
 SCOOP - Concurrency Made Easy
 Scalable Programming Abstractions for XML Services
 Definition and Correct Refinement of Operation Specifications
 Formal Test Generation from UML Models
Part III: Dependable Computing
 Advances in the Design and Implementation of Group Communication Middleware
 Fault-Tolerant Parallel Applications with Dynamic Parallel Schedules A Programmer's Perspective
 Autonomic Computing for Virtual Laboratories
Part IV: Dependable Networks
 Algorithms for Failure Protection in Large IP-over-fiber and Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
 Robustness of the Internet at the Topology and Routing Level
 Dependable Peer-to-Peer Systems Withstanding Dynamic Adversarial Churn
Author Index.
