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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络软件工程及软件方法学现代软件工程教育:ICSE 2005/会议讲稿LNCS-4309(书与在线文件)

现代软件工程教育:ICSE 2005/会议讲稿LNCS-4309(书与在线文件)

现代软件工程教育:ICSE 2005/会议讲稿LNCS-4309(书与在线文件)

定 价:¥429.40

作 者: Paola Inverardi  著
出版社: 广东教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540682035 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  This tutorial book presents an augmented selection of the material presented at the Software Engineering Education and Training Track at the International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2005, held in St. Louis, MO, USA in May 2005.The 12 tutorial lectures presented are the thoroughly revised versions of the most representative and innovative approaches featured at the workshop. The authors revised their papers based on discussions at the conference and the comments they received from the reviews. Together, these papers show the state of the art and practice and the significant challenges facing our field in educating the next generation of software engineers. The papers are organized in topical sections on software engineering education, state of the art and practice: creativity and rigor, challenges for industries and academia, as well as future directions.


暂缺《现代软件工程教育:ICSE 2005/会议讲稿LNCS-4309(书与在线文件)》作者简介


On Software Engineering Education
Reflections on Software Engineering Education
Reflections on Software Engineering 2004, the ACM/IEEE-CS Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Software Engineering
State of the Art and Practice: Creativity and Rigor
 Deciding What to Design: Closing a Gap in Software Engineering Education
 A Pedagogical View on Software Modeling and Graph-Structured Diagrams
 Do Students Recognize Ambiguity in Software Specifications? A Multi-national, Multi-institutional Report
 The Groupthink Specification Exercise
Challenges for Industries and Academia
 The Making of a Software Engineer
 The Challenges of Software Engineering Education
Future Directions
 A Strategy for Content Reusability with Product Lines Derived from Experience in Online Education
 Informatics: A Novel, Contextualized Approach to Software Engineering Education
 Software Engineering Education in the Era of Outsourcing, Distributed Development, and Open Source Software: Challenges and Opportunities
 On the Education of Future Software Engineers
Author Index
