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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络网络与数据通信智能代理VII:代理理论、体系结构与语言



定 价:¥654.84

作 者: Cristiano Castelfranchi 著
出版社: 湖南文艺出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540424222 出版时间: 2002-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Within only a few years, intelligent agents, and more generally the agent paradigm, developed from a research area primarily studied in AI labs into a full-fledged new technology attracting interest from the whole IT community and a variety of application fields. In order to facilitate use of the powerful aparatus available in the meantime by software engineers dealing with the complex problems occuring in the design of inteUigent software systems, emphasis now is placed on developing principled techniques and tools for analyzing, speci-fying, designing, and verifying agent-based systems.This book is the seventh in the successful line of Intelligent Agents volumes published in LNAI. It is based on the seventh workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, ATAL 2000, held in Boston, MA, USA in July zooo. The 21 revised full papers included were selected from a total of 71 submissions during two rounds of reviewing. Also included are one panel summary and the statements of panelists participating in another panel held during ATAL 2000.The book is divided into topical sections on agent theories; agent development tools and platforms; models of agent communication and coordination; autonomy and models of agent coordination;agent languages; and planning, decision making, and learning.This state-of-the-art surveyis essential reading for anyone interested in agent technology.




Section h Agent Theories I
Optimistic and Disjunctive Agent Design Problems
Updating Mental States from Communication
Sensing Actions, Time, and Concurrency in the Situation Calculus
Section II: Agent Development Tools and Platforms
Developing Multiagent Systems with agentTool
Layered Disclosure: Revealing Agents' Internals
Architectures and Idioms: Making Progress in Agent Design
Developing Multi-agent Systems with JADE
Section III:Agent Theories II
High-Level Robot Control through Logic
Determining the Envelope of Emergent Agent Behaviour via Architectural Transformation
Section IV: Models of Agent Communication and Coordination
Delegation and Responsibility
Agent Theory for Team Formation by Dialogue
Task Coordination Paradigms for Information Agents
Seciton V:Autonomy and Models of Agent Coordintion
Plan Analysis for Autonomous Sociological Agents
Multiagent Bidding Mechanisms for Robot Qualitative Navigation
Performance of Coordinating Concurrent Hierarchical Planning Agents Using Summary Information
Section VI: Agent Languages
Agent Programming with Declarative Goals
Modeling Multiagent Systems with CASL ' A Feature Interaction Resolution Application
Generalised Object-Oriented Concepts for Inter-agent Communication
Specification of Heterogeneous Agent Architectures
Section VII: Planning, Decision Making, and Learning
Improving Choice Mechanisms within the BVG Architecture
Planning-Task Transformations for Soft Deadlines
An Architectural Framework for Integrated Multiagent Planning,Reacting, and Learning
Section VIII: Panel Summary: Agent Development Tools
Panel Summary: Agent Development Tools
Section IX:Panel Summary:Autonomy-Theory,Dimensions,and Regulation
Author Index
Michael Wooldridge
