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网络与分布式系统用形式化技术 - FORTE 2006/会议录(书与在线文件)

网络与分布式系统用形式化技术 - FORTE 2006/会议录(书与在线文件)

定 价:¥937.90

作 者: Elie Najm,Jean-Francois Pradat-Peyre,Véronique Viguié Donzeau-Gouge 著
出版社: 湖南文艺出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540462194 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 26th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems, FORTE 2006, held in Paris, France, in September 2006.The 26 revised full papers and 4 short papers presented together with 3 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 177 submissions. The papers focus on the construction of middleware and services using formalised and verified approaches, and address - in addition to the classical protocol specification, verification and testing problems - the issues of composition of protocol functions and of algorithms for distributed systems. The papers are organized in topical sections on services, middleware, composition and synthesis, logics, symbolic verification/slicing, unified modeling languages, petri nets, parameterized verification, real time, and testing.


暂缺《网络与分布式系统用形式化技术 - FORTE 2006/会议录(书与在线文件)》作者简介


Invited Talks
Modelling of Complex Software Systems: A Reasoned Overview
The +CAL Algorithm Language
Semantic-Based Development of Service-Oriented Systems
JSCL: A Middleware for Service Coordination
Analysis of Realizability Conditions for Web Service Choreographies
Web Cube
Presence Interaction Management in SIP SOHO Architecture
Formal Analysis of Dynamic, Distributed File-System Access Controls
Analysing the MUTE Anonymous File-Sharing System Using the Pi-Caleulus
Towards Fine-Grained Automated Verification of Publish-Subscribe Architectures
A LOTOS Framework for Middleware Specification
Composition and Synthesis
Automatic Synthesis of Assumptions for Compositional Model Checking
Refined Interfaces for Compositional Verification
On Distributed Program Specification and Synthesis in Architectures with Cycles
Generalizing the Submodule Construction Techniques for Extended State Machine Models
Decidable Extensions of Hennessy-Milner Logic
Symbolic Verification - Slicing
Symbolic Verification of Communicating Systems with Probabilistic Message Losses: Liveness and Fairness
A New Approach for Concurrent Program Slicing
Reducing Software Architecture Models Complexity: A Slicing and Abstraction Approach
Unified Modeling Languages
Branching Time Semantics for UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams
Petri Nets
Parameterized Verification
Real Time
Author Index
