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安全协议Security protocols

安全协议Security protocols

定 价:¥598.34

作 者: Bruce Christianson 著
出版社: 湖南文艺出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540425663 出版时间: 2001-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Security Protocols held in Cambridge, UK in April 2000.The 21 papers presented with tran*ions of the discussion following the presentation have gone through two rounds of revision and selection; also included are a keynote address and a discussion summary and an afterword by the volume editors. Among the topics addressed are authentication, trust in cyberspace, identification protocols, administration and government issues, specification, access privileges, PKI certificates, trust-based billing systems, public-key cryptosystems, denial of service, anonymous auction protocols, and certification


暂缺《安全协议Security protocols》作者简介


Keynote Address: Security Protocols and the Swiss Army Knife
Mergers and Principals
Authentication and Naming
Users and Trust in Cyberspace
Interactive Identification Protocols
Open Questions
Looking on the Bright Side of Black-Box Cryptography
Government Access to Keys - Panel Discussion
Making Sense of Specifications: The Formalization of SET
Lack of Explicitness Strikes Back
Review and Revocation of Access Privileges Distributed with PKI Certificates
The Correctness of Crypto Transaction Sets
Micro-management of Risk in a Trust-Based Billing System
Broadening the Scope of Fault Tolerance within Secure Services
DOS-Resistant Authentication with Client Puzzles
Public-Key Crypto-systems Using Symmmetric-Key Crypto-algorithms
Denial of Service - Panel Discussion
The Resurrecting Duckling - What Next?
An Anonymous Auction Protocol Using "Money Escrow"
Short Certification of Secure RSA Modulus
Authenticating Web-Based Virtual Shops Using Signature-Embedded Marks - A Practical Analysis
I Cannot Tell a Lie
Author Index
