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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术建筑科学建筑理论城镇智慧水务技术指南



定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 中国城镇供水排水协会 组织编写
出版社: 中国建筑工业出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787112289189 出版时间: 2023-10-01 包装: 平膜勒口
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  为响应和落实党中央、国务院关于数字中国建设的顶层设计,中国城镇供水排水协会组织及时编制了《城镇智慧水务技术指南》。本书由概论、总体设计、数字化建设、智能化控制、智慧化决策、信息安全与运营维护、智慧水务应用7个篇章组成,涵盖了城镇智慧水务建设的总体设计、技术要求以及集成应用。本书侧重于城镇智慧水务建设实施中,关键技术的要求以及根据业务领域结合场景集成应用,注重实用性与前瞻性。本书可供涉及城镇智慧水务的水务企业、研究院所、科技公司的实际工作者使用,亦可供城镇智慧水务建设具体项目作为参考。In response to the top-level design of building a digital China by the CPC Central Committee of China and the State Council, the China Urban Water Association has organized the compilation of the “Guidelines for Urban Smart Water”. The Guidelines are a comprehensive manual that includes seven chapters, namely Introduction, Overall Design, Digital Construction, Intelligent Control, Smart Decision-making, Information Security and Operation Maintenance and Smart Water Application. It covers the overall design, technical requirement, and integrated applications of urban smart water construction.The Guidelines focuses on the requirements of key technologies in the implementation of urban smart water construction and the integration of applications based on scenarios, emphasizing practicality and foresight.The Guidelines can be used by practical workers in water enterprises, research institutes, and technology companies involved in urban smart water services, and can also serve as a reference for specific projects in urban smart water construction.




1 概论 2 总体设计 3 数字化建设 4 智能化控制 5 智慧化决策 6 信息安全与运营维护 7 智慧水务应用 附录 附录A 术语及缩略语 附录B 常见在线监测产品对比表 附录C 净水厂主要工艺段监测指标配置表 附录D 污水处理厂主要工艺段监测指标配置表 附录E 数字资源 参考资料
