“地图上的中国”系列图书利用地图作为讲述中国故事的载体,通过地图搭载丰富的中国历史文化、自然地理、当代发展等内容,同时在纸质图书基础上开发可视听化的电子读物,达成融合传播效果,帮助广大海内外读者更好地了解中国。中国是茶叶的故乡,中国茶和茶文化很早就远播海外,成就中外文化交流的一段佳话。本书先简要介绍了中国悠久的种茶、制茶、饮茶历史和独特的茶文化;其次按绿茶、黄茶、乌龙茶、白茶、红茶、黑茶六大茶类,对中国不同地域出产的名茶逐一加以介绍;最后以三条“茶路”为线索,介绍了中国茶和茶文化的世界传播。书中许多内容是作者多年来实地走访各大茶山的所见所闻所感,鲜活、生动而富有情感。The China on the Map series uses the map as a carrier to tell stories about China. China’s history, culture, geography and contemporary development are illustrated through the map. Also, electronic A/V books are developed based on their paper counterparts to achieve integrated communication and help readers at home and abroad better understand China.People often long for a cup of tea with the flavors of their hometowns to temporally alleviate homesickness. For the Chinese, wherever they go, the special aroma of tea can always be a solace that recalls the happiness deep in their memory. Where there is tea, there is home.