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中国研究生教育年度报告(2014 英文版)

中国研究生教育年度报告(2014 英文版)

定 价:¥19.00

作 者: 中国研究生院院长联席会
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787040449648 出版时间: 2015-12-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 32 字数:  


  《中国研究生教育年度报告》介绍:Annual Report on China Graduate Education (2014) (hereinafter abbreviated as the AnnualReport), compiled by Association of Chinese Graduate Schools, is conducted to review the latestdevelopments and trends concerning graduates' educational policies and practices in China. TheAnnual Report highlighted several hot issues, such as the employment status of full-time graduateswith professional master's degree, the studies and employment status of female graduates, thesources and cultivation status of international graduates in China, the bypass and eliminationmechanism of graduate cultivation, the implementation of international assessment of disciplines andits influence on graduate education. It has given an in-depth discussion of the above-mentionedthemes, and then put forward pertinent measures and constructive suggestions. To some extent, theAnnual Report can be regarded as a useful reference book for officials from educational administrativedepartments, deans of graduate schools, and staff of graduate education management, graduatesupervisors as well as those theoretical researchers.


暂缺《中国研究生教育年度报告(2014 英文版)》作者简介


To Improve\
