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飞向遥远的天边(在华十年录 英文版)

飞向遥远的天边(在华十年录 英文版)

定 价:¥128.00

作 者: (英)克里斯托弗·艾伦
出版社: 新世界出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787510470806 出版时间: 2020-05-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 218 字数:  


  At the Opposite End of the Sky: Ten Years in China covers the experiences of Christopher Allen, an English writer who arrived in China in 2007. In 2012, he married and settled in Beijing. In the book, from his arrival in Guangdong Province, Christopher unravels his experiences and stories about teaching at various institutions,learning Chinese, travelling, learning to drive,and living with a Chinese family.As a foreigner in China,a country boasting a long history and splendid culture,he also shows his great interest in Chinese culture as well as his perception of cultural differences. Meanwhile,in these years, he has also witnessed China's development and progress.


  克里斯托弗·艾伦,Christopher Allen is a writer from England. Brought up in a musical family,he started writing lyrics and playing guitar from the age of 12. He graduated from the University of Wales, Bangor studying English Language and Literature with Journalism. In 2007,he arrived in China. In 2012,he married in China and has settled in Beijing. At various times,he has played in numerous bands,as a drummer, guitar player and lead vocalist. His band in Beijing played shows and festivals around the city in 2011.He made his first short films in China, and published his first novel Kierkegaard Between Traffic and Travel in 2017,which was mentioned in the American bookselling magazine Publishers Weekly. In his time in China he has worked for the British Council as an IELTS examiner and currently manages the International Teachers Department for New Channel International Education Group. He currently hosts some online shows. For the last three years, he has judged the annual English speaking competition at Beijing Language and Culture University. He has also recorded English language teaching material for some textbooks.


Introduction: Arrival in Guangdong
Encounters in the Classroom
To Work as an English Teacher in China
Education System: East Vs West
Youth and Age
All Westerners / Chinese Look the Same
Who Was the First Man on the Moon?
A Wonderful Day to Express Thanks
Approaches to Pre-Teaching Vocabulary
Being Objective
On the Nail
How Old Is the Oldest Tree?
Lost in Translation
You don't understand.
Respect Your Teachers
English in Sixty Seconds
Be Whoever You Want to Be
Lucky to Be a Teacher
The Moon in Chinese Poetry
About Non-Verbal Communication
Different Drinking Cultures
Language Habits in China
A Courtesy to Pay the Bill
Wear More Clothes
'It's the thought that counts.'
No Haircut in the First Lunar Month
In the Workplace
My Absurd Uneasiness
A'Crime'or a 'Prank'?
History Was Breathing down Our Necks
Humour across Cultures
England: A Nation of Football Fans
Determined to Learn Chinese
Obstacles on the Road to Learn Chinese
My Chinese Teachers
Episodes when I Was Studying Chinese
Nice to Hear Others Speaking Chinese to Me
Tuning In
Frustration and Confusion
Speaking English Like Someone from Tianjin
An Embarrassing Moment
Standard' Use of the Language
Continue the Journey of Learning Chinese
Meeting Werner in China
Making a Short Film with My Student
China's Movie Ambitions
Jackie Chan's Punches Like Firing a Gun
Fear of Karaoke Music
Is there anybody alive out there?'
Encounters Related to Music
A Pianist or a Guitar Player?
Face the Music
A WeChat Group on Music
Music in China
A Tale of Two Cities
Reverse Culture Shock
At a Distance
The Quiet Zone
The Streets Are Buzzing
'Do you take cash?'
Safety First
Add Oil!
About Football
Inventions of Ancient Civilisations
Tradition of 'Sitting the Month'
Eastern and Western Medicine
What's in a Name?
Table Manners
Differences in Diet
How's the dog?
Discussions on Food
Some Misconceptions about Cuisine
Obesity and Longevity
Your food isn't great, is it?'
The Art of a Sandwich
Café Society
Drink More Hot Water
Train Journeys
Travels round Southeast Asia
In Shandong
Visiting the Grasslands
Just Friends
A Chinese Wedding
Love Story of My Parents - from the Perspective of William Allen
Daily Life
How to Handle the Hot Weather in China
How to Adapt to the Weather in Beijing
Nosebleeds in Beijing
The Air Quality in Beijing
When to Have a Shower?
Keeping Up Appearances
Learning to Drive in Beijing
My Non-English-Speaking Instructors
The Lengthy Coach Journey
A Fellow Classmate
Getting Through the Tests
Automatic Cars
Incidents on the Road
Nature on Our Doorstep
A Deeper Understanding of China
Retired Life of Chinese People
Judging English Speaking Competitions
First Visit to Carey's Hometown
