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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术文学作品集外国文学作品集昆曲:桃花扇(中国戏曲海外传播工程)



定 价:¥45.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787521314618 出版时间: 2021-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 236 字数:  


  《昆曲-桃花扇/中国戏曲海外传播工程丛书》是“中国戏曲海外传播工程丛书”系列中的一本,该系列以英文图书的形式向海外读者介绍中国戏曲文化,由多部代表剧目构成。全剧以侯方域、李香君的悲欢离合为主线,展现了明末南京的社会现实,同时也揭露了弘光政权衰亡的原因,以男女爱情来写国家兴亡,是此剧的一大特色:Li Xiangjun:My lord!Hou Fangyu: [Self-mockingly]I, Hou Fangyu, a dignified man, have proven myself easy prey to manipulation as the trousseau exposed my weakness. How shameful! How am I going to face you again!Li Xiangjun:Why would you say that you did not give me a trousseau? What did you throw upstairs the other day?Hou Fangyu:My jade pendant.




Chapter I
Historical Background:
Eunuchs, Anti-eunuchism, and the Decline of the Ming Dynasty _ 1
1. The Ming Reconstruction of Ancient Chinese
Administrative System _ 2
2. The Ascendancy of Ming Eunuchs _ 4
3. Anti-eunuchism, the Donglin Party, Wei Zhongxian,
and the Revival Society _ 9
4. Peasant Rebellions, Li Zicheng and His Peasant
Armies, and Manchus _ 16
5. The Establishment and Fall of the Southern Ming
Dynasty _ 21
Chapter II
Kong Shangren and The Peach Blossom Fan _ 32
1. Kong Shangren and the Composition of The Peach
Blossom Fan _ 32
2. The Historicity of The Peach Blossom Fan and Its
Structural Features _ 38
3. The Spread of the Play _ 44
Chapter III
Aspects of the Play _ 63
1. Major Characters in the Play and Their Prototypes _ 63
2. A Detailed Synopsis of the Original Play _ 79
The Peach Blossom Fan _ 124
Appendix: Kunqu Opera ABC _ 183
Works Consulted and Cited _ 233
About the Author _ 237
